Picking Up Food

The pick up of the food I ordered went very well. When I made the order, I had to specify a time to pick up and they were at half-hour intervals. We chose 3 to 3:30. The day before, I got a call because two specific things I had ordered were not available and asking if I wanted substitutions. I did.

There was a specific area to park where one could give the name of the person who ordered. I can’t give more details of this because we were in Jake’s Huge Truck and although I could hear him give my name, I couldn’t actually see if he had to press a button or if it was automatic! Anyway, we were told to park in front of the entry of the store which we couldn’t do exactly because there was a truck with a trailer. parked there But we got as close as we could. We only had to wait a few minutes, less than five I would estimate, when a person with a cart came out and brought the order. She helped Jake put it in the back of his truck {with the eggs inside with me!}. I handed over my card and she swiped it through the gadget she had in her hand and we left.

Before we left, she handed over to me a receipt and a print-out of what she had delivered. There was also a couple of loyalty cards for discounts. I need to take the old ones from my key ring and put these on. When I was looking through the receipts, I noticed a coupon for $2 off a local chain-store hair cutters. When I get my car , I will check this place out because my hair really needs cutting. I am fortunate to have hair that has good body and a small amount of natural curl so that it is almost impossible to get a really bad haircut!

All in all, this was a really positive experience and I will definitely do it again. I think Jake will sign up too. He hates grocery shopping as much as I do and he remarked how convenient it would be to pick up his groceries on the way home.

In other news, he set up my IMac so I can use it and fixed the difficulty I was having getting the Kindle Fire and the Kindle I use for reading to find the wireless connection. {It turned out that when he had put in the password I had told him, he had done it in capital letters and that didn’t occur to me.} He also moved a few boxes in the bedroom so I can get into the closet and start putting more stuff away. I am at the point now where I have to do some things before other things can be done. As an example, there is no point in opening boxes marked "books" until the bookshelves have been assigned a home…

I am up writing this at 2 AM because I went to bed around 8 PM last night because I was so tired.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 3, 2013

I wish I had delivery service here like I do at home. For whatever reason I just don’t fee like going shopping. Strange but true!

February 3, 2013

something like that would be great for the older man i get groceries for every week when he’s able to drive again. yep, no sense in dragging out books when there is no place to put them. you’ll soon have your new home all set up and then you can start living there. are you near the coast? or are you inland? are you in the nc mountains? take care,

February 3, 2013

I hate shopping because of the crowds. This is why I go shopping at 6:30 in the morning. In and out, no hassles. No people, no traffic.

I want a grocery delivery service! That sounds so nice…just swing by and pick it up. Saves a lot of time that way too. Did they get you all the correct items that you wanted? Glad it worked out for you:)

February 3, 2013

Cool! I wish we had a service like that… only one that delivered to the door would be even better. Let somebody else handle our stairs. 😛 (huggles)

February 3, 2013

You are finding your way around to set up new routines.

February 3, 2013

Very glad to hear that the pick up service went well. I really need to check and see if there’s something like that around here.

The pick-up service sounds like a wonderful convenience for people who don’t like to shop, or have busy schedules. I buy nearly the same items week to week…I would love to be able to drive up to to the front of the store and have my order ready and then placed into my car.

February 4, 2013

I love that they have that kind of service available! I’m thinking how convenient it would also be for people who work full-time and don’t really have time to shop. They could just pick the groceries up on their way home from work!! Without having to spend all that time IN the store!! Surely your car will arrive this week?? I am keepin’ my fingers crossed! hugs, Nicky