
So, today our new lamp came. It is one of those standing ones that has three separate lights on it. I chose this because it was bought to sit behind my chair and for one of the lights to be my reading light. Fred and I put it together and I moved the other light. This one is going to be thrown out because it will not stay at the same height. It keeps dropping down and has to be hoisted up.

Now, in order to plug thiis light in, various pieces of furniture have to be moved, first to get the old light out and then to plug the new one in, and when it finally IS plugged in, the outlets appear to be dead! I moved the new light into the dining room and plugged it in there and all was well, so it wasn’t the light. So, I head off down the basement steps to check out the fuse boxes downstairs in the basement. Of course, our landlord had a pile of junk I had to climb over to get to the fuse boxes but when I finally got in there, everything seemed to be ok. So, I gave up and went round and left a note on his door asking him to come round and check out the outlets when he got home.

So, the landlord came in and I told him the problem. He plugged in the light and nothing happened. Then he said, "What’s this switch for?" And, oops!  At that point both Fred and I suddenly realized that the outlets and thus the light was controlled by this wall switch! And what really made this an occasion for red faces was that we were in the habit of using that wall switch to turn the old light on and off when we checked what the thermoset was set for! Anyway, we all had a good, if embarrassed, laugh and all is well.

The mess I made will be cleaned up tomorrow…


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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Glad it all worked out, enjoy your new lamp!

That’s a funny story…I kinda enjoyed it. LOL!


We’ve all had those oopsy moments. They make good stories!

December 8, 2008

Oh, if only ALL of life’s little problems were so easily solved!

December 8, 2008

I’m glad that that was all that was wrong with it! Made for a good laugh, too! LOL

Glad it wasn’t anything too hard to fix. At least you had a good chuckle out of it. HUgs,M

December 8, 2008

lol! I’ve done that… (huggles)

December 8, 2008

I’m glad your new light turns on now, anyhow! :o) !! Your entry reminds me of this embarrassing thing…. You remember how in England, light bulbs go into their sockets different from here, I reckon? Well, I gave up on it when we moved there, and just let Joe deal with light bulbs. But then he got shipped off to Desert Storm, and of course light bulbs continued to burn out!! So I had to go next door and ask our neighbor-man to please come show me how to change a light bulb!! (And we’d lived in England two and a half years by then! heehee!) hugs, Weesprite

December 8, 2008

Glad it was easily solved. And that the landlord came immediately – that seems to be a change in his MO.

December 8, 2008

Might make the treadmill easier also….hahahaha Just kidding!!! Be well and have fun….dan

December 9, 2008

haha! This is the type of thing I would do and feel so silly after that I’d say, “I have a masters degree!” It’s a standing joke between J and me, as well as my boss and several of my coworkers.

December 9, 2008

You answered my ?. when I was reading i kept thinking what about the switch on the wall. only because we use our lights that way with the wall switch. Glad you figured it out.

December 9, 2008

Don’t feel bad, I’ve had it happen a few times myself. Usually with the door locks on the car…

December 10, 2008