Not One of my Better Days

It has not been a particularly good day today in that I am feeling very overwhelmed by what has to be done. In fact I have been so overwhelmed that I basically have done next-to-nothing. This has been a waste of a day in which I have felt physically quite well with no backache, a day in which I could have done much more. Well, it will all be there tomorrow—which I am not sure cheers me up!

What I have done is to empty one of the boxes in which clothes are hanging and half-emptied another.  And I also found the local Freecycle group and signed up. Oh, and I went to the mailbox.

A conversation that amused both of us. Jake came to the door with a bag in his hand. "I’ve got your drugs."

Me  "Come in, I’ve got the money for you…"

Sounds like a "my mother the drug addict" conversation!  In actual fact, he was picking up my perfectly legal drugs from the local Rite Aid pharmacy, and since I asked him to put the cost on his card, I was reimbursing him with cash!

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 4, 2013

That mother-son conversation was quite amusing!

February 4, 2013

It’s hard, this life change stuff. Celebrate what you accomplished in one day, even if it was just unpacking one box and signing up for freecycle. You will get it all done in your own time.

Why don’t you just set small, manageable goals for each day? Then you can get the day’s goal done and feel good that you accomplished what you set out to do. There really is no rush, deadlines are self-imposed!

February 4, 2013

My sons and I have funny conversations like Jake and you. It’s something about a mother and her sons! 🙂 I think what is wrong is you need your car so you can get out once in a while. But we know it isn’t there and will be several more days. I think it will cheer you up to be able to get out when you want to. I use Walgreen’s and they have Express Pay. You give them your credit card info and they input it into the computer and when your drugs are picked up they just put it on express pay and you don’t have to get your credit card out or anything. And Jake can pick them up and they still just put it on express pay. Good luck on that unpacking. Wish I were there to help you b/c I know how I hate unpacking.

There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a couple days off to adjust.

February 4, 2013

I hope none of the neighbours heard that conversation! 😀

You’ve been so excited and enervated for several weeks; who would blame your body for taking a day or two to catch up with itself? *smiles* You conversation with Jake make me chuckle.

February 4, 2013

Ha, ha! That conversation is funny. Good thing there wasn’t a cop standing nearby! I was wondering today if you’d been to the gym at your apartment complex. Perhaps a day away from the apartment and all the “stuff” is what you need. And a car. Where is that dang thing, anyway??! 🙂

February 4, 2013

That conversation made me smile. As to the doing nothing, I would suggest that it’s a delayed reaction to all of the turmoil and change in getting moved into a new home — that can be very unsettling, and I think your body and brain were saying, hey, time to catch up on some rest.


February 4, 2013

You’ve had so many days of working lately. Don’t berate yourself because you didn’t meet your own high standards today. I know that I’m a fine one to give advice like this, but there you go. You did do something today and you made your drug connection. Just kidding.

Lol, that conversation was funny!

February 5, 2013

My brother has a pharmacist daughter, a wife who works in a drugstore and a son who worked there in the past. He used to introduce them as drug pushers! Went over big in church when he was preaching! be well;peace…dan

February 5, 2013

wonder what someone would have thought of that conversation if they didn’t know what was going on? it might just be that your body is telling you to take it easy for a bit. that you’ve been doing a lot and now it’s time to stop for a bit. when you are up to it you will get back at it. take care,

February 5, 2013

Good quotes.

February 5, 2013

Can you get mail order prescriptions? My husband gets his mailed to our house in 3 month supplies. It’s actually cheaper. He goes thru Walmart.