Much Better

I still had a little residual dizziness yesterday but on the whole, I can say the BPV has gone. Last night I was lying in bed reading and for some reason, I tilted my head back and looked up and, whoosh! there was the ceiling rotating around again! Then I remembered that this stuff is sometimes called "top-shelf dizziness" because the first time one gets it is often looking up to get something from a top shelf! Several people have asked me do the exercises really help and the answer is yes they do. I hate doing them because they make me even dizzier for a short while but they seem to do what the doctors say they will do, which is to sweep all the floating debris back into the inner ear where it belongs.

Yesterday I managed to get on the treadmill three times during the course of the day. The first two times were only for five minutes each time but the last one was for 15 minutes. I was actually quite impressed with myself because for the first two, I was huffing and puffing and forcing myself to complete the five minutes. For the last one I was reading or staring out of the window and I really didn’t realize I had done 15 minutes until I looked at the timer. Now I have to insert here that I am NOT going fast. I ususlly get to 2 mph before I quit but that is not fast. What I am trying to do here is to build up stamina. I remember when I first started riding a bike around the neighborhood. At first when I came home I had to lie on the bed until I started breathing normally but it was only a couple of weeks before my body adapted to it and I felt fine.

Today’s plans include clean the kitchen and bathroom and walk on the treadmill.



"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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I’m glad you’re feeling better! You can read on the treadmill? I’ve never tried it but I don’t know if it would give me motion sickness or not. Are you reading from your Kindle? You’ve been the biggest proponent of the Kindle that I know, in fact I think I learned what it was from you. Are you still as enthused about it? I’m really thinking about getting one, can you tell me why you like it so much?

October 30, 2008

It’s so good that you’re feeling better. I need to clean the kitchen and the living room tonight in the brief time that I am home between work and Trunk or Treat at work. Busy busy!

October 30, 2008

ryn: ear candling is supposed to help your body clean out the ear. I guess the smoke goes in and breaks up any debris and hardened wax and it all comes out when you shower or something. I don’t know a lot about it right now, but the guy I was talking to says that it is remarkable, so I’m going to test it out and find out more. I’ll let you know. Reading your entry, I wonder if something like thatwouldn’t help you, but I don’t know enough to say one way or the other.

October 30, 2008

good for you! On all counts. I get that vertigo when I tilt my head back also – I just try to enjoy the spin till it’s over.

October 30, 2008

glad the dizziness is going away. i usually go about 2.3mph when i get on and go for about 7 minutes. that’s 2 songs from lynard skynard. i need to get on it today a couple of times. my sister is pressuring me to go faster. i’ll go faster when i feel i can. take care,

October 30, 2008

I found this website that is the most truthful about ear candling. The places that claim that the smoke ‘draws the wax and debris out’ are making false claims because nothing is really ‘drawn out.’ The smoke just helps the body do what it does best–drain on its own. Apparently, smoke has been used for a long time in relieving earache and ear congestion. I’ve just had contact with some people with ear problems and wondered if this would help them, and want to try it. I’ll let you know if it works at all.

October 30, 2008

I like your exercise technique, of starting out slow. Overdoing it and getting sore or overly tired can end up discouraging a person! And I’m so glad you were feeling better today. :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

October 30, 2008

i can read on the treadmill too – it really makes the time fly. Hope you’ll be feeling better soon. Hugs,

October 31, 2008

There’s no way I could read on the treadmill – sometimes I find it difficult enough to keep my balance on it just staring straight ahead. There’s a brand new Sharpe on here this Sunday – Sharpe’s Peril.