Moving Foreward*

So, here I am at 4:45 AM woken up by Jake’s  two "knuckleheads," ( the cats) and kept awake by all the stuff swirling in my brain! The cats realized that I had my light on at 3:30 AM and meowed and inserted their paws under the bedroom door to rattle it. When I got up to go to the bathroom, they first thought I was going to feed them but I was trying to get back to sleep and ignored them. However, my brain had a difference of opinion with my body and the brain won the argument so I stayed up, fed the cats, made myself a bagel and cream cheese and a cup of tea, so, here I am.

My brain is obsessing over all the stuff I have to do when I get back and the short time there is to do it. Of course, I will have help from Fred’s son-in-law who has already volunteered to help. I need to call him and tell him the schedule so he can fit me in around his job. I think I will do that this morning. He is going to get rid of the bed for me but I will need to sleep in it until the 18th, which is the day I am returning to NC for good. I think I am worrying about all this stuff because there is so much to do and in my original plans, I was planning to leave in February. But this amazingly suitable apartment dropped right into my lap, so to speak.

After a while, I began to feel sleepy so I went back to bed and slept soundly until 8 am, just in time to see Jake off to work. Since I have got up I have called the guy at the complex office to ask him about something {and embarrassingly called him Mark instead of Matt!) called the power company to get the power bill transferred to my name, and put a load of clothes in the washer and then into the drier where they are tumbling around now. It was a strange experience calling the electric company since they more many "press-this-button" choicesthan I have ever experienced before– once up to eight! I finally got to speak to a real person and got it all done. To my surprise, I had to find my SS number which, unlike my sons and Fred, I do not have memorized! There was a $17 connection fee but I didn’t have to pay a deposit since my credit is excellent.

Once I have finished here, I am going to call Fred’s son-in-law and tell him what my schedule will be once I get back.


 Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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All the things that you have to do to move can be so time consuming and overwhelming, but it sounds like you have gotten everything under control:)

January 7, 2013

once i get past the initial press the button i start pressing 0 and i press 0 til the voice tells me that they will connect me with a person. glad you got that apartment. it sounds like it was meant to be. have a feeling you’re gonna be very happy living there. are you in a big city? or a smallish town with lots of stores? take care,

January 7, 2013

I hate automated phone systems. I’m glad you had the patience to navigate.

January 7, 2013

Knuckleheads. That’s a good description for cats at times. I am so glad that you’re getting people to pitch in and give you a hand.

I must say I would also be anxious with so much to do. With help it should all fall in place.

January 7, 2013

the press 0 that gray tabby suggests doesn’t work with a lot of the newer systems anymore. You have to get through the system to a certain point, then you can press 0. Frustrating. I’m glad things went so fast and well for you with this apartment and the move. Amazing to think that in 2 weeks we’ll see an entry entitled ‘Moved in’.

Only $17.00?? That’s almost laughable compared to what we just had to pay for ours. LOL Hugs,M

January 7, 2013

The wife of a friend sent me a text at 03:45 this morning!! “Hope I didn’t wake you, but what church do you attend?” WHO does things like that? I guess she was awake so figured I would be also!! I hadn’t gotten to sleep until after 03:00. Humans can be puzzling, animals are more predictable!

January 8, 2013

I would consider getting rid of the bed a day in advance and spending the night in an inexpensive hotel. You might find it easier to rest there. You are remarkable in your organization and the scheduling of this move. I can see travel in your future(again!) be well;peace…dan