Morning Entry *

  • I just drove down to the office–actually, they call it the Information Center– to pay my rent for next month.
  • I am majorly ticked off by my bank in VT whose debit card is being refused by Amazon. I have no idea why. There is plenty of money in the account. I just went to the bank’s on-line page, and, after a lot of clicking, I found the place where I could sent them email. This is very annoying since I use Amazon a lot. I checked my information on the bank’s site and I had changed my address from VT to NC. What I hadn’t done was to change my email address. I wonder could it be that? Anyway, it is just giving me incentive to open a new account here…
  • There are 13 boxes left to open. This does not include the big flat packs with pictures for the walls which will be the last to be opened.
  • I probably will only open one box today {although my goal is still two} because I want to get the books already out and piled up on the floor into book cases.

Goals for today:

  • Work on getting books already out into book cases.
  • Open at least one more box

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 28, 2013

OK, this is kind of weird, I know. Yesterday I took all my books OUT of my bookcase and piled them on the floor. I saw a picture of Pinerest where they had piled all their books up against the arch between rooms. I loved the look of it so copied it to my living/dining room arch. I like the look of it and am more inclined to actually read the books.

February 28, 2013

hope you get the banking problem fixed soon. it must be frustrating. sounds like you are getting down in number of boxes. won’t be long now til it’s all put away. have a great day. take care,

February 28, 2013

The University of Cincinnati wouldn’t accept my USBank money online, even though there was plenty of money in the account at the time. It did accept money from my tiny credit union, which is sometimes rejected. I think this is the beginning of the breakdown of civilization.

It probably is the e-mail address. Husband just got added to my prescription drug program and they rejected his credit card because he was using my e-mail address, not having one of his own. We had to get him one, even though he will not read it.

I had a problem with the card I most frequently use for Amazon. It was being refused. I finally called the card company and discovered someone had been using it for unauthorized purchases in other states. I cancelled the card and had a new one issued. I don’t know if that could happen with your bank card, but it might.

February 28, 2013

If you changed your address with the bank, The address for the card on your amazon account has to match it. I had this problem when my zip code changed. I changed it at the bank, but forgot about all my on-line accounts and when I went to order something, it wouldn’t take it. As soon as I fixed it to match, it worked fine. Good luck!

How aggravating that must be. I hope you get it fixed and quickly as well. My goal for tomorrow is to just have patience and breath. Hugs,M