*More Thinking about the Apartment

Thank you all so much for your lovely notes!

I am awake at this hour { 5:15 am} because at 1:30 this morning, my eyes popped open and my brain slotted into gear! I turned on the light and read for a while and when I realized I was yawning, I turned off the light and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, my mind then started to figure out where my furniture would go in the new apartment! This series of events -light on, read, yawn, light off and active brain– happened three times so I decided to get up and eat a bagel and cream cheese and have a cup of tea. When I am finished here, I will get dressed and occupy myself until Jake gets up.

Today, since we have no plans to visit apartments, {see  previous entry if you don’t know why we will not be apartment-checking today} we plan to go and check out mattresses for my new bed. Jake bought me a new bed frame, a queen size, but he didn’t want to buy the mattress until I was there since it is not a good idea to buy a mattress for someone who might have a different comfort level. We will get keys to the apartment on January 6th, so before I move in, he will move the bed frame from his house to the apartment and get the new mattress delivered. He is also giving me the television and DVD player from his bedroom so he will get that set up before I come back.

I decided I would get an estimate on shipping the car instead of driving it  so while I have been here in NC, emails have been flying back and forth  re the moving. I want to get the furniture and car shipped as soon as possible after I get back to VT on the 10th. Then I can fly back to NC. One of the reasons I want to ship the car is that a Kia Reo is definitely not comfortable for a 6 ft 8 in person to drive. I know Jake, who is the afore-mentioned Tall Person,  would do it because he drove my previous Kia from MS to VT when I moved. I drove a bit but he did most of it. So I was glad to find out that shipping the car is not outrageously expensive!

I am also thinking of what I don’t have that I will need.Unfortunately, the apartment is pretty-much all carpeted  so I will need a new vacuum. I have a one designed for wooden floors which is what the present apartment has, but I will need a better one for carpets. I would like to buy a Dyson because I know from seeing my sister’s Dyson used that they are sturdy and do an excellent job, but I am concerned about the price. So, any recommendations?

OK, the cats are demanding to be fed and after that, I will get a shower, get dressed and on with my day.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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Hope it all goes well. I can relate to the drama involved in bed choosing. Thanks for Oscar Wilde quote.

December 30, 2012

i have to say i am so excited for you!!! nice knowing your son drives by both morning and night during the week. and you’ll have a nice new bed! and your car! glad you are not driving all that way. take care,

December 30, 2012

Dysons are worth every penny… (huggles)

December 30, 2012

Very exciting for you!

I love my Dyson! Hubby insisted we get it, even though it cost more than I wanted to spend. I have not regretted the expense. I have a dog and two cats. The Dyson works exceptionally well on pet fur.

December 30, 2012

Having just done a move a year or so ago, I don’t evny you THAT…but I shipped my car too, and it was the right decision. As for the Dyson? I bought one 2 years ago, and have been in love with it ever since! It’s by far the BEST vacuum I have EVER owned. Expensive? Yes. But worth every penny, I promise! Love to you! ~M

Dysons are awesome and worth the money. The commercials for the Shark says its just as good/better than the Dyson…

December 30, 2012

I’ve heard nothing bad about the Dyson except the price tag. I have a Eureka that was really good in the beginning but is wearing out. It’s about 10 years old or so. I went with a friend to pick up her vacuum from a repair place, and he said Simplicity makes a good vacuum. I’ve never heard of them. I figure that a less expensive vacuum costs around $100 and is good for about 5 or 6 years (more ifyou don’t use it much), and you can buy a lot of those for the price of a Dyson.

I have had to ship cars a couple of times for work, and then a few years ago I shipped my own car from Seattle to New Jersey — it is fairly reasonable, price-wise, I hope that is still the case. I would also have been lying awake picturing how I would arrange my furniture in the new place!

I have a Dyson and love it. I don’t have that new one with the push ball roller thing on the stand up. I have the house and cartridge thing. I would love the new one! Vacuums are definitely a get what you pay for thing. I’ve heard there are places where people drive the car to you for free. There use to be when I was a student. Some of my friends would drive a car to my college or back homefor someone. They loved it because it was way cheaper for them. I have no idea how it worked. I’m glad you found a place so quickly!

Oh wow, I’ve missed a lot while I’ve been off! I didn’t realize that you were in NC! What part are you in? We lived in Sanford for a year and I have a dear friend that lives in Conellys Springs. In fact, when we get the rest of our insurance check we hope to make a weekend trip up to visit her. I’m excited for you about your move and glad that you found an apt. so quickly! Hugs,M

December 30, 2012

I bought the least expensive Oreck and it does a wonderful job. They may still give you a hand-held one with purchase. I sought out a vacuum I could unclog myself if necessary, and I’ve done so 3 or 4 times, saving myself the cost of 3 or 4 new vacuums.

I love my Dyson, but for a one person household with no pets, I’m not sure you need to spend that much. There are several good machines available at a fraction the cost. Good luck! Happy New Year!

December 30, 2012

I’m so glad that things are falling into place for you and your move. That is a good idea on shipping the car as it will save you in gas money to pay for the shipping. I know you are excited to be moving to a warmer climate and close to both sons. Two years after my husband died I moved to Austin, TX where one son was in college, he graduated and moved to Houston and I lived there for two yearsand then the other son that had been in Oklahoma moved to Austin. I didn’t mind the two years they were both gone but really like when one of the boys lives near me. Now Jeff is in Austin, 6 hrs away and Brad is in Australia which is 24 hrs and 10,000 miles away and will never be back to the states. I’m excited for you, a change does you good after a loss, at least it did for me. Sounds like you are getting everything in place for a smooth move. I ended up moving back to where we lived when my husband died as I had property I needed to see after. Now I wish I was back in Austin but it is too expensive. I’ll be excited to hear about NC. I understand about MS being too hot.

December 30, 2012

I am still craving a dyson – I think I am just going to buy one and to hell with what J says. That is so exciting about the apartment and the new bed. What do the household kitties think of you? Are they making friends?

December 30, 2012

I’m really excited for you about your move! I know you will find so many adventures in your new place! You are just that kinduv person and that is why I have always admired you so much. :o) !! hugs, Nicky

I have a Dyson, which is great on carpet (although I still prefer my Rainbow). The Dyson was about a third the usual price at Home Depot – not on special, just cheaper there.

December 30, 2012

If you have a Costco membership or know someone who does, check to see if they still have any Dysons. I got a great price there about three months ago on a Dyson canister. This is also a good time to check Home Depot and similar stores for deals on open-box Christmas returns.

December 30, 2012

How very considerate of him to not buy your mattress before you could try it out.

December 30, 2012

In addition to Costco giving a good price on the dysons (above noter), I have heard that they also include extra attachments with the canister vac that you can’t get everywhere… so that’s a neat plus. Definitely what I will be investing in when my old Kenmore upright croaks.

How exciting all around!

I have always wanted a Dyson, because I have heard they are worth every cent you spend on it, but my husband refuses to spend that money on a vacuum. We have a Hoover..they are good Vacuums. I am so excited for you!! A new place, a new bed..and your son drives past your place every day..what a plus!

I loved my Dyson until the clutch went out, and I discovered it was going to cost $150 to repair. The important parts are made of plastic and the labor involved to fix it is inordinately expensive. It wasn’t worth it when it came down to the cost of repairs. I spent $99 on a bagless Hoover to replace the Dyson, and it’s every bit as good a vacuum as the Dyson was’ and costs less to fix .