More RLS

If you have never had RLS, be glad, be very glad. Mine has been so bad yesterday and today that I cannot sit down for more than 15 minutes. I know this because I use a timer to work for 30 minutes and then take a 30 minute break. So far, I have had to get up from the break and move after 15 minutes. I am pretty sure this attack is a combination of being mildly stressed and not taking my medication.

I know, I know!

Not taking the meds has been because I "lost" the little boxes I use which actually means that they are not lost per se, but that they have disappeared into the piles of "stuff.". The bad thing about this is that not only am I not taking the the meds that help the RLS but I also haven’t been taking the blood pressure meds.

But there is a positive to all this. I have been very motivated to locate the little boxes and, in fact. have done so. I took a measured dose of everything about an hour ago. Secondly, I am actually getting boxes open AND things put away. Working for 30 minutes and taking a break for 15 means that in the extra working time I have found some things I really need, like 13 gallon trash bags. {These are also on my pick-up-from-the-grocery-list I am getting tomorrow, but, hey, one cannot have too many trash bags, right? I usually buy these in bulk from Amazon but had deliberately postponed getting the new supply since I knew I was moving.}

Ok, time to get up and do some moving. {The timer says I have been sitting here for 18 minutes…

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bessie Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that is human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 1, 2013

I am SO GLAD you found your meds!!!!! And I do not have RLS, but I kinda start to get a wee touch of it when I am over-tired and it’s enough to tell me how miserable it must be. Do you have snow down there in NC today? hugs, Nicky

February 1, 2013

That timed work/rest cycle is an excellent idea! I think I’ll do that!

February 1, 2013

I am glad you found your meds! I admire you. You keep on keeping on…..many people can’t.

February 1, 2013

Thank goodness the meds turned up! I can certainly understand about the sitting and standing — standing I can do for about twenty minutes or so before the twinges begin.

I’m anxious to hear how successful your trip to the grocery store goes. I think it has the potential for being a wonderful convenience–especially when you have to rely on someone else to get you to the store. I hope getting a dose of your medicine will help you settle down some. I don’t know if the medicine is something that needs to build up, or if it kicks in shortly after taking it?

My rls was really bad one day last week. I’m sorry you have it to…def not fun!

I have severe RLS (as diagnosed by a neurologist during a sleep study) and one of my biggest fears is being without my meds. I think about if some disaster happened, like an earthquake, and I couldn’t get my meds renewed. I keep my meds in my night table but I always carry some in my purse too. I have to take a pill before going to a meeting or a movie or play, or anyplace where I’m going to have to sit still for awhile. I am glad you found your meds! And do I ever wish they could find a cure for RLS.

February 2, 2013

so glad you found your meds and have started taking them again. no idea what it is like to have rls but, from what i gather it’s not pleasant. that’s how i work/clean…. work for a while and then take a rest. and do it all over again. things get done if at a slower pace. take care,

I Have seen how awful RLS is. My old neighbor had it and constantly juggled his legs to get a kind of relief. He never complained – just explained once why he did that. He was in his eighties and that was about 45 years ago. Maybe there wasn’t medicine for it then.

I meant jiggle – ed not juggled. Kindle won’t accept that spelling.

Glad you found your meds, I am sure you will start feeling better once the medication starts doing its thing:)

February 3, 2013

Glad you found your meds again! It’s not good to lose stuff like that… the neurologist told me I had restless legs, but it only ever kicks in when I’m REALLY anxious. I was sitting in his office talking to him and I couldn’t keep still to save my life! It doesn’t bother me at night.(huggles)

February 3, 2013

Phew! Good to find the prescriptions.