Land Line Day!

I actually managed to wake up before the alarm went off this morning. I woke at 5:30 but didn’t get out of bed until six when the alarm went off. Today is the day the land line phone installers come between 8:30 and 9 AM it said on the site. And  do you know how I found out they are coming today rather than Tuesday or Wednesday? My cell phone came back to life just long enough for me to get my voice mails. And then it went right back to telling me I wasn’t authorized…   I found the box that the phones were in and got a damp cloth and cleaned them all up. In the last couple of months Fred was alive we had extensions every where he would go. There was one by his chair and another one by the chair near the TV, There was also one by my chair –which means three in one room– one in the bedroom and one in the kitchen!

I still haven’t found my big flashlight and the red tea caddy and the book shelves. There are still three more boxes and a plastic tote to be opened…

Jake put the Dyson together for me. I vacuumed a bit and it seems like a good machine. I like how easy it is to carry around. When I stand by it, my hand just touches the handle to lift it which means no bending—always a good thing. More news as I use it…

I have finally given in and bought a Kindle Paperwhite. It will be here in a few days and I have 30 days to evaluate it. I am hoping that the lighted screen and the crisper fonts make it easier to read. The only thing I am not pleased about is that it is a touch screen. The only thing I have that is touch screen is the original Kindle Fire and I use a stylus with that.

OK, must go and put some socks on and put my tea tray on the kitchen…







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April 1, 2013

i still haven’t found my white king james Bible and it’s been 15 years since i moved. hope you find everything. i have 5 land line phone in my house. the only room without one is the bathroom. i would love a dyson. the one i have is heavy but it does roll around pretty good. just glad i don’t have to lift it. my daughter and blake have touch screen phones. angela has a touch screen nook tablet. mynook is touch to a degree. i think everything is going touch now. hope your phone is installed as planned. take care,

I am jealous of your Dyson. Just sayin’ 😉 I am happy to hear you are going to be getting a know those will always work for you. I still cannot believe you cannot get your cell to work. Give them hell when you call to shut off your line!!

I just bought a Paperwhite this weekend. I hope you’ll enjoy it! Can’t believe your cell phone is still having issues! Glad you are getting a land line though.

April 1, 2013

You’ll get used to it. The only thing that bugs me about the touchscreen is I’m left handed and you have to touch the RIGHT side of the screen to turn a page, the left turns it back instead – the old one had page-turn buttons on both sides. I started out using a stylus but I just use my fingers now I’m used to it. LOOOOVE my Dyson. (huggles)

April 1, 2013
April 1, 2013

Although I hardly ever use it, I still hang on to my land line. Just in case someone from my past needs me 🙂