Idle Chat…

  • I went to PT yesterday and Jill worked me very hard. Which is a Good Thing, BTW. I am not complaining, just noting. I have two more twice a week appointments and then I go to once a week for a month, I think.
  • My Mac has just told me it is 6:30. I can’t believe I am up at this hour and have had my breakfast! The Big Job for today is buying groceries. I hate buying groceries but if I want to eat, it is a necessary chore. I have just about stopped making a list on line and then picking up groceries. Now I am feeling better and am able to walk without pain, I prefer to get my own groceries. For one thing, there is a much better choice if I shop. What is put on line always seems to be the most expensive of the choices and if I let them substitute, what they choose isn’t what *I* would choose.
  •  When I moved, the plastic bottles of acrylic paint were put in a big plastic tote I already had. This was good in that they were all together but bad in that I wrenched my shoulder trying to move it. So, I ordered Waxman 4700595N Furniture sliders– the kind that look like short sticks–from Amazon, emptied the tote and stuck the four sliders on, put everything back again and voila, the box slides under the art table and out again with very little effort on my part! I still have a box of paper of different sizes to find a home for.
  • OK, I am ending  all this chat and going  to work! I need a list of groceries…







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July 6, 2013

I enjoy buying groceries so I can look for new things to eat, that is why I would not like the store getting my groceries and I’m rigid, I wouldn’t want substitutions. I am so happy that the PT has helped your back so that it isn’t painful and you can do more for yourself, like buying groceries. I have some furniture sliders that I ordered off TV about 10 yrs ago. I bought them to move my king size dresser in my bedroom. I couldn’t use them by myself b/c you have to lift the heavy furniture up onto the slider and I couldn’t do it, This was back when I was in my 50’s. My sister came and helped me but it was still hard to do. I used to could push and slide my furniture but not any more. I like to rearrange my furniture but it can’t be done in this house even though it is pretty large but the walls are chopped up. My house we had built every room could be rearranged several ways and I did every room about every 3 or 4 months, same furniture, but I was in my 30’s and 40’s and it makes a difference as the years go by. I have the large plastic sliders and they have have a sponge stuff to grip the furniture, but they don’t very well.

July 6, 2013

i have to make my list and angela goes and gets it for me. sometimes, she doesn’t get exactly what i want but i can’t really complain cause otherwise, how would i get groceries? i wouldn’t. i will be glad when i get to where i can get my own groceries. my furniture hasn’t been moved since i moved here nearly 15 years ago. don’t much like changes. take care,

July 6, 2013

When I first got married, I wanted to rearrange the furniture, but T didn’t like it and made me put it back. It’s been there since 1976. So boring!

July 6, 2013

I do the on-line bit as I can get exactly what I want, and not bother J. but then, I can’t drive, so it’s become my only option.

Krogers here used to do online shopping, but now they have stopped. Sometimes I think I would like it.

July 6, 2013

Do you do as I do and store the bottles upside down?

July 6, 2013

I just hate to grocery shop! I don’t know what it is about the stores but I can’t wait to get out of there the moment I walk in the doors. Great idea about the putting the sliders on the tote!

July 6, 2013

I like the idea of sliders for the tote. I have so many totes full of stuff. I’ll have to check into those!

SOunds like you’re getting back into the swing of things after your illness. Glad to hear it. Hugs,M

Grocery shopping takes up too much of my time. Still you are right that if you do it yourself, you save a ton of money. I’m glad that you are feeling better.