I HATE This!!!

It is 5:30 AM. I have been up for 30 minutes and before that, I was reading for an hour and a half. I went to sleep at 1:30. If you are interested enough, you can figure out how much sleep I got. All I know is that it wasn’t enough…
I sit here and look around and am on the edge of tears how much there is STILL to do. I keep finding little enclaves of "stuff" to be sorted and packed. And, yet again, there is no room to put the boxes.

I realized during this long and mostly sleepless night that tomorrow this apartment is going to be filled with strangers and neighbors moving things for us. I am on edge about this. It is an odd thing to say because once I was a teacher, but basically I am unsociable by temperament and by choice. People en masse make me nervous and panicky. And tomorrow my living space is going to be filled with them. And they are going to want me to make decisions. As I am feeling right now, panicked and worrying, I can’t make decisions! Ok, I expect to deal with this one of two ways. Either I will say, "Ask Fred–he’s downstairs" a lot or, what is more probable, the Teacher Persona will kick in as it used to do when I was teaching and panicked at the beginning of every school year at the thought of teaching five classes of 13 year-olds! The Teacher Persona is calm, efficient and organized…
Things to do today:

  • get all the trash by the door and by the refrigerator out of here. This needs to be done FIRST.
  • SECONDLY, it is absolutely essential that I clean out the area where the reyclables and the wine bottles are now stored because I can get at least two more boxes in there which means…
  • I can pack dishes in boxes!
  • start putting things that have to be hand carried on the table all in one place. Two jugs from Prinknash Abbey pottery and the Coronation St  Rover’s Return teapot my sister gave me are there now.

No matter how I feel or what I do or don’t do, this day will pass. And tomorrow, we will move and that day will pass, too..
Keep breathing.
Keep calm

Until later….


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I hope it goes smoothly for you.

July 28, 2006

I’ve always found that on occasions when I DID just end up freaking out and panicking or crying, people were not only understanding but very caring and helpful. There’s really no shame in it, if it comes to that. Oftentimes the only person who really expects us to be a Pillar of Strength is….us, ourselves! And this day WILL be over and done, and then things will start to get better…. honest!

July 28, 2006

Darn short notes (for us cheapo “free users!”….I wanted to add, that I am sorry that you feel so bad and got so little sleep, though…. and send you ((((huuuuugggggggsssssss))))) Soon the moving will be DONE!! hugs, Weesprite

July 28, 2006

Patrisha, I think you’ll do just beautifully, that you will rise to the occasion & surprise yourself with your apt answers to questions & your ability to take charge. Just relax! You are anxious about the move, but it will soon be over! Love, Anna PS and just remember, moving is hell but hell doesn’t last!!

July 28, 2006

the last minute panics have hold of you. you’ll do fine with the move and soon it will be over and you’ll get to find new places for all your stuff. i do hope the move goes as easy as possible. take care,

July 28, 2006

sweety, it will pass, really, remember that it is really hard now but things will improve. I like your avitar by the way

I too, hate that overwhelming feeling of everyone asking me a question. It happens everytime my family comes over to help me here at home. Eight people asking me a question at the same time. I can’t get anything done, which leaves everyone wondering what I’m doing. It’s frustrating. Just breathe. *hugs*

July 28, 2006

You’ll get through it! 🙂

July 28, 2006

I think what you’re feeling is part of moving. No one is ever ready for the movers.

July 28, 2006

*hugs* I HATE moving and all that goes with it. It’s SO stressful. I’ll be thinking of you. *sends good moving vibes*

July 28, 2006

When uncertain or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout. Or something like that 🙂 Yes, deep breaths. This, too, shall pass. I know that crowd-induced panicked feeling. Which is why I chose a school with small class sizes. Answer #3: Just put it in a box and stick it somewhere downstairs. LOL!

July 28, 2006

It will be okay. Nothing you do or don’t do is going to make it or break it. What’s the worst that can happen if it isn’t all “perfect”? Just go with the flow. You’re going to be fine! Wish I were there to help! Love you! ~M

Just remind yourself that this, too, will pass. Hang in there.

I will say that it will go fine even though thinking about the scenario that you are facing makes me feel panicky. I do not like those types of situations either, not being around a lot of people and definitely not having them in my space. Good luck.

July 28, 2006

Yes, keep calm! And of course remember you’re lucky that you don’t have to do the actual moving yourselves! *grin*

First: I was going to say a few things, but you pretty much covered it at the very bottom. I really, truly hate moving, and am sending you HUGE amounts of empathy at the moment. Second: RYN: I did enjoy the Liveships trilogy, and I ADORE Barbara Hambly (how did I forget her?). I need to check out the third lady you listed. The Kushiel’s Dart trilogy is…a bit racy and non-standard in the character department, but I bed you’d REALLY like it.

July 28, 2006

soon this will be over and you will have a larger space and less stairs…. so there is a method to the madness!!!….. good luck……. 🙂

July 28, 2006

It will soon be better. I, too, am not very sociable…when my house fills with people I find myself wondering when they will all go home. My best.

July 28, 2006

((hugs)) and try to stay calm. You sound a lot like me, I am basically a very unsocial person, and I don’t like a lot of people in my personal space, I have a tendency to let hubby to all that sort of stuff and make the decisions, I don’t like to. I have nightmares about moving, they involve me trying to pack everything and not being able to get it done on time! LOL 🙂

July 28, 2006

I do hope it goes quickly and smoothly for you and you can get your space back very soon.

July 28, 2006

But, perhaps, there is a bit of consolation in knowing that in 48 hours, this will all be behind you? You seem so very well organized, already. And you seem to know exactly what needs to be done, which is way ahead of the game. *big smooth-moving vibes!*

You’ll get it done. You’ve got no choice. That’s probably not very comforting though. I have faith in you. *hugs*

You’re reaching the peak of the stressful time….. you’ll get through it just fine, your survival and teacher instincts will kick in, and you’ll be surrounded by a great support team. And before you know it, it will all be over!

July 28, 2006

It will be over before you know it! And thank goodness, too, because moving is such a pain.

July 28, 2006

You will get thru it. It is alot of work and you will be fine. You are very good at keeping cool. Too bad you couldn’t carry down some of the boxes to the downstairs to make more room. Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you.

July 28, 2006

Wishing I was still back in Vermont to help. I know how upsetting moving is since I’ve done it every year for about the past ten. By next weekend you can have a barbecue in the backyard!