I Am Taking a break

Italian Phrase of the Day: {These come from An Italian Phrase a Day desk calendar} Congratulazioni! Congratulations!

My comment on this: {shrug} Di niente!  No problem! {Literally, It was nothing!}

Since I was so idle yesterday, I am really having to work hard on all this bloody homework! I set a timer for an hour this morning and managed to work for 55 minutes before my brain screamed and died. So then I gave myself 55 minutes of lollygagging around. After that, I reset the timer, and this time manged to make it to the end of an hour! So now I have an hour’s break. Actually, I have used up 40 minutes of my hour and so if this ends suddenly, you will know why—I have run out of time!

I am, of course, still debating the total immersion in Italian plan. This morning I woke up with my hip giving me more problems that usual. So, I immediately thought "What shall I do if I am in Italy and this happens—I can’t go!" Well, after a few minutes, my saner self took over. If this happens in italy, I will do exactly what I am doing here. And that is take an extra OTC pill and be careful. If it gets worse, I will make an appointment with the doctor. But from past experience, I am pretty sure it will not. Yesterday I stumbled over something and twisted my hip and that is why it was hurting more than usual this morning. Notice, I said "was." The OTC analgesic has kicked in and I am back to the normal low-level pain. So, what I did this morning in Vermont, I can do in Italy! Ok, time to stop here before the timer screams at me. After I have done the next hour, or however much of it my brain can take, I will use part of my break to go for a walk…


QUOTATION FOR THIS MONTH: If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius

Until later….


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You are far more dedicated and disciplined than I am.

January 29, 2007

i love that quote.

January 29, 2007

I hope your hip feels better soon.

January 29, 2007

My joints have been screaming due to the really cold weather. I do need to move them more because that does seem to help it. Good luck on your preposition studying and getting things done for school. I have to take a break to study some of my textbooks because I get frustrated. After the break, things just seem to fall into place much easier.

January 29, 2007

“my brain screamed and died” “however much of it my brain can take” Boy, can I relate! I have SO MUCH SYMPATHY for you right now. LOL!

January 29, 2007

Does your hip seem to bother you more in the winter or cold months?? You are very well self-disiplined.

January 29, 2007

I hope your hip will start feeling better soon. You know, Rich has hip issues for a VERY long time and I see how this affects him with daily things. So, I understand how difficult it CAN be. Also, thanks for the notes you’ve been leaving me!

January 29, 2007

I’m still in awe of all that you do. Go Patrisha go!

gosh what a great idea – I should do the timer thing too, it would be easier to motivate myself. and yes… in Italy there is no reason why it should be worse. YOu already do the long haul flights and the climate may even help.

January 29, 2007

I called in sick today, feeling all icky over head-cold. I hate when I have to struggle to breathe! *huggs*

January 29, 2007

Crumb…you sound like me with the marking lately. I give myself short spurts on OD as a reward for getting some marking done.

January 30, 2007

Vai bene, molto bene!

January 30, 2007

You are in my prayers that you won’t need to worry about your hip while in Italy. When are you going & for how long? What fun, what fun. Would you mind terribly sending me a post card or two as you travel? I will send you a few bucks for postage & cards in the art book when it gets here. Unless you are leaving much soon than that, which I don’t think you are since you are currently taking classes. I’ll resend my mailing address. Actually I’ll send a few mailing lables to make it easier.