Here I Am!

Well, I am still in this I’ve-got-nothing-to write about mood so it is time to force myself to produce something. Very often I find I can force myself out of these nothing-matters moods which are more-times-than-I-care-to-think-about a preliminary to a bout of depression otherwise known as being In The Pit. Hmmm, if I had a nickle for every hyphen I have used so far this morning, I would have 55 cents.

It rained most of yesterday which made it a day for reading. Both tomatoes are doing well. Yes, even the topsy-turvy one has two tiny tomatoes and more flowers. The tomato-in-a-pot is loaded with green tomatoes. Now what we need is sunshine. I would be very annoyed if these green beauties rotted on the vine. So far this morning, it isn’t raining but there is no sunshine and it seems overcast.

Things to think about:

  • I went back out and bought the forgotten floor cleaners so I have no excuse not to get the bathroom done today.
  • I have a massage this coming Saturday. Usually they are on Sunday so I am making a real effort not to forget this one.
  • I am still enjoying not having to so anything or go anywhere. However, I found myself looking on line at the college’s offerings for next semester.
  • I am still amused when my IMac tells me the time every half hour…
  • The new coffee pot meets with our approval.
  • In order to force myself to walk today, serendipitously I need to go to the drug store and pick up refills of two prescriptions I need which I have to call in first.
  • Yesterday my back hurt all day. Much to my annoyance, it is hurting a bit this morning and I kept waking during the night with the pain as I moved. I have taken an OTC pain killer and will make a real effort to stand up straight today.
  • As a direct result of being a Good Example to my sons and eating breakfast every morning before I went to school, my stomach demands food within an hour of getting up. So, I am now off to make coffee and eat breakfast…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

"Fear not for the future, weep not for the past."

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English poet


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Good morning.

July 24, 2008

I have been having a lower-back-ache lately. It’s very annoying! But I have found a new miracle cure…. since we have Alleve at our campground store, I bought some and took it last night and IT WORKED LIKE A CHARM! Even better than the aspirin-for-back-pain! ‘Twas quite enough to make me leap and shout for joy! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

you could always turn your green beauties into Chutney if ever the sun don’t shine.

July 24, 2008

I hope your back feels better soon! Even through pain, you managed to write with a bit of humor! I like that. I have to eat breakfast, too. Not just because I am diabetic, but because like you, I’ve trained my body to want it. Have a wonderful Thursday. I hope it’s sunny and bright! (((Hugs)))

July 24, 2008

A massage will certainly help your back, but how much exercise have you been getting while you’ve been reading your Kindle?

Glad that both of your tomatoes are doing well. I had wondered about the upside down one as I have seen them advertised before. We’ve been eating ripe ones for weeks now. Nothing like a good, juicy, sweet tomato! Hugs, M

July 24, 2008

Sounds like you need some pampering and fun! Any bad influence girlfriends you can call up to go out on the town? For the afternoon even?? A little badness brings a lot of energy.

July 24, 2008

You and my mom! She wakes up starving. I’m not usually hungry right away, but it’s mostly because after I take my neds I have to wait an hour to eat, so I’m trained. Cheering here for your tomato plants! I’ll send you some sun!!!!

I love having excusing to take a break from cleaning. Maybe the massage will make your body feel better especially your back.