Good Morning, OD World!

This missive is coming to you from a downstairs AIR CONDITIONED apartment and from a person who, right now, is enjoying the coolness and lack of humidity so much that she doesn’t give a damn about the electricity bill!

It is just a little after 8 am and Fred is still asleep although he came to bed before midnight which is early for him since he is usually a 2-in-the-morning person! I was up at 6 am which is around my usual getting up time. I am physically stiff and sore — mostly from lugging boxes around. When the bed was moved, it was put with Fred’s side against a wall which was not acceptable. Not only was I looking forward to being able to make the bed without crawling over it, but Fred’s side being against the wall meant that he would have to climb over me to get to the bathroom and since there are times when he needs to go several times a night — well, you can see the problem, right? Now, the bed itself is not difficult to move since it is on castors, but it was hemmed in by boxes which I did have to move. I moved most of them by kicking them across the hardwood floors but a few I did actually have to pick up, and those are the ones that are making my muscles ache. In addition, I was on my feet and going up and down stairs a LOT yesterday so my hips are complaining too! But, I am drinking my morning cup of coffee and have taken the morning pain pills and I am feeling better.

This morning I have to go upstairs and finish the last bit of packing {a few cans and boxes of food} and start the cleaning ! THAT will be the hardest part although Wonderful Martha, the mother of Addie who lives next door, has said she will be over at 10-ish to help me and since she is a whirlwind of energy, she will be an enormous help.


But even if she doesn’t make it, I will have to do it. I have today and tomorrow to get the place acceptably clean. Bryce {new landlord} said to clean the kitchen and the bathroom and he doesn’t care too much about the rest since he will be tearing it up anyway!

Well, I am off to get the IPod and speakers out of the art room {not set up yet but there will be pictures later} because everything goes better with music!

Until later….


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🙂 congratulations – airco sounds great!

July 30, 2006

This is the stage of moving I minded the least, the cleaning up the old and opening up the new.

July 30, 2006

You sound so chipper this morning! :o) !! And I’m soooo glad someone is coming to help you clean. :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

July 30, 2006

Air conditioning is a wonderful thing right now. My grandma never had air conditioning and I never knew how she could stand it. I’m glad you’re settling in and enjoying the new apartment. Happy Sunday!

July 30, 2006

Hooray for new digs. The worst is over at last!

July 30, 2006

i’m so glad you will be getting some help with the cleaning of the old place. a week or so and your new place will seem like home. take care,

July 30, 2006

Patrisha, I can 100% relate about the A/C & who gives a damn about the electric bill. Yahoo. My new A/C runs night & day when I am home & I crank it down as low as needed. It’s digital & you can set the temps. So you are all moved except for a few cans! That is terrific. Cleaning will get done & you can relax! Congrats!! Anna

July 30, 2006

Wow, it be just after nine o’clock in the morning. am, and I be asippin’ me coffee and feeling the cool, dry, north country air… oh, it must be the AC…. well, yes, but we could be opening all the doors and window cuz it’s 65 out with dewpoint at 52! (not so down in southern New England) That’ll make it better fot the cleaning up in the garret. I feel tired and wrung out, but thrilled with the new world down here. What the heck are all these boxes, tho’? Also, it’s so damn bright, oughta have sunglasses aside the bed or maybe those slitted 3ye-things the Aluets wear.

Having a downstairs apartment will help keep the utility bills down.


July 30, 2006

We sure did need air conditioning the past few days. Glad the move is over. Enjoy your new home.

Glad you’re liking it.

July 30, 2006

Congratulations on your first night in your new apartment. Not caring too much about the other rooms is a great instruction. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the whirlwind of activity shows up.

July 30, 2006


July 30, 2006

I’m glad it’s almost over for you! and that you have A/C

July 30, 2006

How quickly it sounds like you’ve settled in! I wish we could have a virtual housewarming party for you.

July 30, 2006

This sounds like a real good move for you two. A major upheaval but it will be lots better – cool, on ground floor, more room.

July 30, 2006

Good luck with the cleaning.

I’m jealous of the A/C!!! *Hugs*

I’m SO glad you are moved! You already sound so much better in this entry. To me, going back to clean the old place has to be the worst part of moving. You’re tired, you want to get settled into the shiny new place…. I’m glad you’re going to have help, and then you can settle in and have the pleasure of arranging things in your new place and making it “home”.

July 30, 2006

Agrreed…everything does go better with music!

July 30, 2006

I am thankful for a/c too… couldn’t live here without it!… I feel for you with packing/unpacking, been there, done that… and will have to do it again…. and yes, music makes everything much better!!!! ….. 🙂

July 30, 2006

Isn’t air conditioning wonderful? After you do the last bit of moving, you can sit and relax again in cool comfort.

July 30, 2006

Yay!!!!!!! I figured you were going to be feeling it today. Glad you have meds to help you through. Can’t wait for the pictures! Love you! ~M

July 30, 2006

Wow you have very nice neighbors and I am glad to hear that the move went well. I was a bit worried about it. A loaf of your wonderful bread sounds so good right now.

yes! everything does go better with music. that is so very true. i am so happy for you! :+)

July 30, 2006

you are truly blessed with all of these wonderful people that help. You don’t hear much like that anymore… I’m glad it still exists!