Goals for this Year

Goals for the next year…

  1. Take a course. I have had good intentions about this for a long time. Time to do it this year. Now, what…HTML? Art? I like the idea of art. Maybe I could get Fred to go with me…
  2. Frame and put up some of my photographs. We have two of Fred’s sunsets up and it is time some of my pictures were up on the walls too..
  3. Get really serious about decluttering. I have made the first step in talking to Fred about it and he said, “Go for it!” I will start first with MY things and then move on to his. LOL He has created a monster!
  4. I will get serious this year about improving my stamina. I suppose it has to do with my age and the fact that I have only been trying to improve my health for the last three years, but I am surprised how quickly I slide back when I lapse. I have not been walking as regularly or as much– partly because of Fred’s illness and partly because of the bad weather –and I am very disappointed that it seems to be all I can do these days to do a mile-and-a-half in 30 minutes of walking. I was doing much better than that a few weeks ago. I hate the idea but I really need to do some weight training…
  5. This is not really a goal but I am toying with the idea of losing ten more pounds. I know how to do it. I will have to eat less and move more, but the latter part of this is difficult for me in Vermont in winter. Maybe in the Spring?
  6. By this time next year, there will be a new upright vacuum cleaner in this apartment! I have vacuumed my last floor with Fred’s 20-plus year old cannister… Actually, I am going to say that by the end of December, this goal will be met.
  7. I intend to continue on the tread mill. I don’t enjoy it as much as I do walking in the open air, but there is no doubt that it works me harder. {Today I did 17 actual –although not all consecutive–minutes on it. This is an improvement over the 15 minutes the machine recorded for the previous time I walked.}

Ok, enough! Until later…

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January 1, 2005

Good luck with your goals for this year.

happy new year!

January 1, 2005

these are some good goals, and I have no doubt you will make them all. 🙂

January 1, 2005

look into going bagless. It makes such a difference! Unbelievable! Happy New Year!

January 1, 2005

have you heard of flylady??? that might help you declutter

I like your goals! I wonder why your treadmill is more difficult? Is it one of those non-electric do-dads? I’m with you on the eating less, exercising more. I think that going to the yoga classes and dropping the aerobics (due to my shoulder) has put me in worse shape. I did situps and aerobics this week and it nearly killed me! LOL!

January 1, 2005

: ) *huggs* Good luck!!!

They sound acheivable…Here’s to a good year for us all! 🙂

January 1, 2005

These sound like excellent, and also achievable goals. What kind of art do you like to do? You could take a printmaking course! 😀 (Haha, that’s a shameless printmaking plug, I’m sure you’ll enjoy anything you decide to take…)

January 1, 2005

Great goal Best Wishes

January 1, 2005

I wished you lived closer. My nephew sells Kirby’s and he gets trade ins all the time. Good trade ins and I could get you a good vaccuum for nothing. hmmmmm. Let me think about this. It might be worth the shipping fee. Let me talk to him. lol r

January 2, 2005

Taking a class! That will be neat! I look forward to hearing about what you choose, and if you do. I’m sure your current sometimes-lower-than-usual state of mind has something to do with your stamina. But things will get better. You persevere! I admire that! Here’s wishing you a good day! hugs, Weesprite

January 2, 2005

I think a class you and Fred could take together would be wonderful to help get his mind off this illness. It might even be romantic.

January 2, 2005

Good resolutions, you can do it . There will be a of de-cluttering here in 6 days when the step and grandkids move out !!!!

January 2, 2005

These resolutions seem very doable…the courses sound fun.

January 2, 2005

I take benedryl. It’s non addictive and works like a charm. But you have to play around with the dosage. Too little it has no affect. Too much and it has no affect. I weigh like 125 lbs and I take 50 mg

January 3, 2005

These are good goals – and realistic more to the point!