Getting Some Things Done *

So, if you get one of those little pink slips in from the post office  which say a package is at the office, wouldn’t you think it meant the post office? But, no, it actually means the apartment complex office! I drove out to the post office this morning only to be told it was at an office it takes me basically –oh, maybe three minutes to walk to…

Anyway, it wasn’t time wasted because I went to the drug store and picked up my prescription. It was for vitamin D pills where I take one once a month! Has anyone ever heard of that? I hadn’t. Of course,* Medicare didn’t pay for it but I figured I could afford $25 for six months medication. There was also a bottle of OTC vitamin D pills with instructions to take one every day. I used to do that regularly at one time since VT is very short of sunshine! On the way home. I also filled my tank with gas since it was down to the last quarter!

I was very close to the grocery store I have been buying from but, although I intended to go in and use the electric cart, I didn’t. By the time I had found the post office and the drug store {in the same area and, actually, next to each other } and stood in line for both places, my back was hurting so badly that all I wanted to do was to get home and take something for the pain. Actually, since I now know where Food Lion is, –right by the post office and the drug store, I may try that tomorrow.

So, I think I mentioned I was having a problem with a debit card from the bank in VT? This morning I found two emails from a person on said site which told me they needed to let them know what my new address was. It also mentioned I could drop in the bank and get this all straightened out! Resisting the strong desire to snarl, "Listen, you idiot! I HAVE changed my address in your site and did this a week or so ago. If you had even LOOKED AT THIS, YOU WOULD SEE I NOW LIVE IN NC AND "DROPPING IN" IS NOT SOMETHING I SHOULD BE ASKED TO DO!" But I didn’t because I am a nice person. Mostly.  I sent two replies to their two messages. Both of these replies had my new address and requested a message from the bank when this problem was fixed. So, we shall see.

*Fred had this problem. His doctor prescribed a specific brand of vitamins to help his severely compromised kidneys and he had to pay for them out of pocket. They were not cheap.

Goals for today:

  • Go to the post office and the drug store
  • Keep working on the piles of stuff scattered around
  • When a few piles have found a home, open another box and make more piles…







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March 4, 2013

i know what you mean about standing in line and your back hurting. probably a good idea to wait til tomorrow to get the groceries. i do hope you get results soon from your bank in vermont. if not in a few days, you might want to be a bit more forceful about them fixing it. take care,

March 4, 2013

Don’t you just love bureaucrats? The left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth. Grrr!

March 4, 2013

I had not heard of once-a-month D pills. How does that work? I only started taking D on a regular basis about 14 months ago. It has made a world of difference, though. Even though we get a lot of sunshine here in Colorado, apparently we don’t get the right amount of… UV-something rays to make D properly. Or something. I need to make a list and cross things off. Good idea. Thank you! Take care,

once a month D pills seems weird to me. But I don’t think I have ever been told to take them (yet) except to take a calcium supplement that has D in it. And that was daily. Which I never did. 😡

March 4, 2013

Some times I wonder what people use for brains now days! After having the bank rep ask my DIL if she could reach her deceased husband by calling the number on the paperwork, she then asked “Aren’t you and your husband living together any longer? ” Oy!

I had to laugh about the post office mistake because I could picture myself doing the EXACT same thing!! One would think though that it meant EXACTLY that!!! Hugs,M

I have never heard of a once a month vitamin D pill. I would think you would need it every day…like sunshine. I hope you get your bank straightened out..sometimes those people can be so confusing!

March 6, 2013

I lived in an apartment when I moved to Austin in 1991 and it was so nice to just have to go to the apartment office since they don’t bring them to your door but the office is usually close and better than having to drive to the post office or UPS. I always take a bottle of water when I leave the house for 2 reasons, if I need to take a pill, I also have back pain and headaches and like to take something then so that I can keep punishing myself by doing as many errands as I can! 🙂 Also some times during allergy season I get a tickle in my throat and can’t stop coughing until I get a drink of water. Those emails or customer service people that don’t read make my blood boil. We need your new address and you can just drop in, of course he didn’t read something or he would know you can’t just drop in! I know you have been busy with unpacking but how are you liking your apartment? Hope it feels like home and you are happy. Jake is a good son!