From MS to NC*

I am here in North Carolina . I arrived very late on Thursday and practically unanimously Jake and I decided to do nothing all day yesterday! My older son drove me to Jackson to get the plane to Charlotte {and then on to Raleigh.) We left right after lunch so got to the airport early. He helped me to get through the lines and then left early enough to avoid rush hour on his long drive home.

The plane ride to Charlotte was very uncomfortable. I have been thinking about upgrading when I travel again. I am neither particularly tall nor overweight but I was squashed in the seat. This was, for future reference, American Airlines who also charge one $25 per bag. Anyway, I got to Charlotte which turned out to be another place to avoid in future.

I can only walk short distances and very slowly without severe pain in my back so I have been used to requesting a wheelchair in advance. This was the first place I had to wait and wait. Then when two wheelchairs arrived, the other person waiting {she had a broken ankle and crutches} got got the only push-person available first. This probably had something to do with the fact that she was young, blonde, beautiful and carrying a Coach purse! Well, the fact that her connection left in 10 minutes probably had something to do with it, too! So, having had a fair amount of experience with transport by wheelchair, I expected to be taken to the gate. Umm, no. I was next driven at high speed close to the gate on one of those high-pitched loudly beeping little train-thingies which swerved wildly around between people rushing to their gates!

My plane was loading when I got there and because I wasn’t in a wheel chair, I had to stand in line. I don’t do stand very easily. When I handed over my boarding pass, the scanning machine beeped ominously and I was asked to stand and wait while everyone else got on first! By this point I was in severe pain and demanded {but politely} a chair. Anyway, it seems that my assigned seat was a middle seat and my boarding pass was coded in some way to let the checkers know I needed an aisle seat! So, I finished up in the rich-people’s section! It was lovely to be able to move around in the seat normally! Unfortunately it was a VERY short flight to Raleigh, but I was able to enjoy some ice water and nuts. And since it was now 11:30 and I hadn’t eaten since lunch, those nuts were fantastic!

Jake was waiting for me even though the plane got in early and we picked up my bag and got to his huge truck. When we got to his house, I had a bagel and cream cheese, took some naproxyn and had an excellent night’s sleep! I rested all day yesterday and today we are going to look at a couple of apartments. I have a list of six I researched before I came but this first one is one he researched for me which wasn’t on my list.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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December 29, 2012

Glad you made it safe and sound.Lola Falana

December 29, 2012

Wow, that sounds like an unpleasant journey! Glad you made it there safe and sound!

December 29, 2012

Hooray for getting to sit in first class after that ordeal! I hope you find an apartment that you will love!

December 29, 2012

Do you like North Carolina? It must be a lot warmer than Vermont!

December 29, 2012

Your trip sounds horrible…I also cannot walk distances and I require a wheelchair. In fact I have a trip coming up in March and we requested a wheelchair ahead of time. I also cannot stand for lengths of time so I feel your pain. I hope you don’t have to endure this again.

Glad you made it. Charlotte is a huge airport to get around.. those motorized carts/trains scare me just watching them screech around… hope you can relax for a bit now…

December 29, 2012

charlotte, nc is one of the hardest airports i’ve ever been in. the gates are so far apart and i will use the carts the next time i have to go there. i have a bad back and hip and i can’t walk far nor can i stand for long. i nearly died trying to get to my gate for my flight out. i do hope you find the perfect place for you while you are there. i really think you’d be happier in nc near your son.i worried about you being in vermont with all the snow you get there and not having family around. take care,

December 29, 2012

I’m sorry this flight wasn’t very pleasant. I just finished booking my trip to Australia in March. I would love to be in first class on the 13 hr flight from DFW to Brisbane but it is too expensive. I always allow plenty of time between flights even though I don’t need a wheelchair. I always have a lot of carry on stuff, a huge hand held bag and a carry on luggage, so don’t like to have to hurryand I like to eat before the long segments rather than pay for airline food. I never use a travel service as I like to pick my flights to suit me.

You deserved to sit in a good seat after all of that! I hope the apartment search goes smoothly.

Glad you made it to your destination!

I understand back pain…and knee pain, etc. I can’t stand long at all. Beyond five minutes and I’d be in real trouble. Your wait sounds like a real ordeal.