Feeling Better*

Jake came today and disposed of everything I asked him to dispose of. He also moved my desk into the bedroom and to my surprise, it fits just where I thought it would. {I am surprised because I am not good at estimating sizes and distances. I always got Fred to do it for me since he was excellent at this.} Anyway, the bedroom is looking not too bad. There are two boxes by the door but they are both marked  art supplies –judging by experience there will be art supplies but I have been surprised by finding all sorts of other things in there– so will be moved into the dining area which is going to be my art area one day!

It has made a huge difference to how I feel now that the clutter on the floor in the entry area has gone. The living area almost looks –dare I use the word–liveable! My bedroom needs very little work. The kitchen has been reasonably OK for a while. I feel hope that in a couple of weeks there will be nothing to do in here except routine cleaning and tidying.

Something I really need is more light in here. There are two good-sized windows in the bedroom and a sliding glass door in the living area. The bedroom gets a lot of daylight when I open the blinds but the glass door leads out to a tiny little patio which is built in to the side of the building which means there is not as much light as there is in the bedroom during the day. I am going to get a couple of torchiere lamps–is that the right name? I mean the kind where the light shines up to the ceiling rather than down to the ground–to brighten the living room area. There is a ceiling fan in the living area but it has no central light. Actually, I prefer no top lights glaring down on me hence the torchieres. One excellent asset about this apartment is that there is a lot of places to plug in lights and anything else that needs electricity.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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Lots of places to plug thing in — a total essential! I never seem to have enough. Glad things are looking more cheerful.

February 27, 2013

Getting rid of clutter is always a good thing! 🙂

February 27, 2013

Glad you’re getting settled in. Have you had a chance to explore the area?

February 27, 2013

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay for Jake removing the clutter! I can definitely understand how you’d feel depressed with a lot of clutter lying around; that depresses me too! It’s great that you have a lot of light in your bedroom…. I hope the lamps do wonders for your living room. I don’t care for gloomy rooms either. I’m so glad you’re feeling better! hugs, Nicky

Our house does not have enough plus ins at all!! It was built in the late 70s which means it is not up to todays codes. When we remodeled the house that burned, Elton put in PLENTY of outlets and I loved that! So glad that you are making progress and feel on the upswing. I myself? Not so good. Will talk to the doc today about getting back on those antidepresents. Much needed right now. Hugs,M

February 28, 2013

i think it would be wonderful to have as many outlets to plug in lots of things as i’d want. my house has so few and some i can’t even reach. i figured once you got the clutter out of the place that you would feel better. i prefer the up lights to spread out the light on the ceiling. take care,

You are so lucky…we hardly have any outlets! Glad you are feeling better:)

February 28, 2013

I love lots of plug-ins. It is something that we don’t currently have (and the wiring is crap anyway, probably borderline unsafe, but that is another entry for another day) and well, it is something that I desire greatly. We could certainly use some light in here. But I must say, super cheers for things falling into place.