Evening Entry


The more I use this Mac Book, the  better I like it. This afternoon I deauthorized my Ipod from the other laptop and added it to this one. I had to ask for a new password because it had been so long since I went to ITunes I had forgotten it. Then I plugged the Ipod into the Mac Book, told it to do its thing and all my purchased music was copied to this laptop and then back to the IPod! I was most impressed. I got info how to start doing this from a OD Mac user and after that, I basically pressed buttons!

I did get the yogurt made and after it has been in thr refrigerator overnight, it will be ready to eat tomorrow so I will have some for breakfast. I have spent most of the day on the bed reading or watching television  or playing Bookworm on this computer–yes, it is made for the Mac too!} – and resting my hip. It feels back to normal now which means that the pain is not unbearable as it was yesterday.

QUOTATIONS: Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the

end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow".

 Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey          
and thanks to pbreader for finding the author of this quote

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

Ci vedo dopo…. see you later…

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March 14, 2007

I need to come to your house and sample your homemade yogurt. I don’t have a yogurt maker and have never attempted this, but you make it sound so good in your earlier entries. I’m glad your hip is feeling better!

That’s my kind of courage. *hugs*

March 14, 2007

glad your hip is getting better! And I didn’t know that the Mac Book is so much different than a PC.

Glad to hear the pain is slowly subsiding.

March 14, 2007

I’m glad it’s healing up!

March 14, 2007

Mm yogurt. I just had some. Only it’s Yoplait, I didn’t make it 🙂

Glad your hip is feeling better. You guys sure do LOVE your yogurt! L Hugs, M

March 15, 2007

I’m glad you like your Mac book so much. You are good at figuring out hi-tech things! They stupefy me….but maybe that’s a mindset I should just climb out of! hugs, Weesprite

March 15, 2007

I was thinking about you yesterday. MY hip was nagging at me. We could be the Bobsey twins!!!! You haven’t talked about the music you’ve downloaded lately. Anything new? Sending you sunshine from here! Love you! ~M

March 15, 2007

so glad your hip isn’t hurting as bad as the day before. you will be having yogurt for breakfast… does fred still make that wonderful oatmeal for your breakfast? i’ve got to go put yogurt on the grocery list. take care,

I feel guilty enjoying this warm weather after reading about the horrible winter my friends in the north are going through. Hope the hips feels better soon….and it warms up soon for you

March 15, 2007

I’m so glad that you aren’t in pain like you were. How cool that you have a new computer to road test while you rest.

March 15, 2007

I love hearing about your Mac book adventures. When I got my teaching job I treated myself to my first laptop. Its been since college since I used a Mac!

Oh, I’m glad you found Bookworm for the Mac! You’re welcome.:) I just love the way we can put a query in a search engine and find the answers.