Entry Two

It is continuing to be a really good day. So far I have done the following:

  • Emptied the large plastic tote by the bed and put the winter hats and scarves and gloves in a basket on a top shelf in the closet where they can hibernate in comfort until the coming winter.
  • Moved the wooden filing cabinet up by the bed to act as a bedside table. This was more difficult than I thought it would be since it was heavier than I expected. I did a lot of moving of it with my feet!
  • Moved a pile of my old hand-written journals from the afore-mentioned plastic tote into the bottom drawer of the wooden filing cabinet  and mostly resisted the urge to waste time rereading some of them. The one I dipped into briefly seemed to contain a lot of whining… Still. if I can’t whine in my private journal, where can I whine?
  • Made a container of tuna salad . I had some for lunch.
  • Emptied another large plastic tote which, again, contained mostly winter stuff. About half of this is still scattered on the bed so I can’t really say I have finished this.

Still to do:

  • Take a short walk which I will probably do after finishing this. I can walk out to my mail box and, if my back is up to it, take the long way back.
  • Get ride of all the stuff on my bed.

Possibly to be done today. If not, they will still be there tomorrow…

  • Move the set of storage boxes with art stuff in it away from the side of the TV. Put it in the bedroom temporarily until I can put it in the art area I am planning. It is very easy to move since it is both plastic and on wheels.
  • Replace it by the tall narrow set of shelves now in the bedroom so I can stack DVDs by the TV/DVD player. This will probably need to be pushed along with my feet and arms since it is too heavy for me to lift. If it is absolutely too heavy to move, I will leave it for Jake to move when he comes on Sunday to remove trash and indulge my every wish! {Actually, that means I have a list of things I can’t do myself and that he can do for me. At the moment it is very heavy on "move these boxes to…"}

I also had a very nice and cheerful phone call from Diane, one of Fred’s daughters. I am happy that her medications seem to be helping her a bit more than when I left. I regard her as  a good role model for me since she is using her exercise bike regularly and getting out into the Vermont snow as much as possible.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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You’re getting a lot done! Using the filing cabinet as a night stand is an excellent idea. I’ve done the same.:)

February 14, 2013

Reading this entry helped kick me into gear. Thanks for increasing my productivity! 😉

February 14, 2013

I had all these plans for things I was going to do today and here I sit. I need some of your motivation!

February 14, 2013

A little at a time, you are working that motto perfectly & how it should be! Do you have carpeting on your floor? I was wondering because if not, you could ask your son to assist you with placing those furniture moving pads at the bottoms of the furniture so shall you ever require to move something, it can easily be done?! I will say that your moving process, from packing to moving and finally settling has assisted me some. I have been using Freecycle to rid the house of things that are still usable and then other selling sites to sell things we no longer need.

February 14, 2013

You are a whirlwind some days! :o) !! And it’s great that it was a nice enough day for you to take a walk….that might not have been the case if you were in Vermont today! hugs, Nicky

We have a set of those little plastic disc that are cupped to use for moving heavy items. I love them! If you can lift one corner of the object up, then you can slip these disc under the edge and just slide your item across the carpet or floor. Highly recommend them!

Wow, you are getting a lot done! It won’t be long now before everything has its place:)

February 15, 2013

Nice upbeat entry -glad you are settling in and also that Diane is doing well.