Early Morning Habits
As I was puttering around here this morning, it occured to me what a creature of habit I am. Every morning I get up early {8 am is late for me}, turn the computer on as I make my way to the bathroom, make coffee, take my pills {ginko biloba for the brain, ibuprofen for thr bursitis and Immodium AD for the radiation colitis} drink two cups of water {because I have only one kidney left and I am determined to keep that one healthy}, start downloading ASD {alt.support depression}, eyesontheprize {a gyn cancer support list} and my email and go downstairs to get the paper.
At this point, if the cat wasn’t on the balcony I used to wait for the traffic to die down and then call her. {Now , three weeks into her disappearance, I just look across the road as if I will see her sunning herself on the other side of the street and feel tears at the back of my eyes.} I take the paper back upstairs {always putting it in the same place on the end of the table} and read my mail and the stuff from the groups. {I seem to be adding “write in the diary at this time ” to this routine} Then I take the paper and read it while I drink my coffee. If the weather is nice {and right now it is gorgeous in Vermont} I do this on the balcony in the early morning sunshine. If it is cold, snowy and/or rainy {as it often is in this changeable State,} I sit in the green rocking chair in the living room while I drink coffee and read.
This is what I do EVERY morning. On Tuesdays, after the usual routine I go to work at 9:30 and stay there the whole day, but otherwise, apart from the early morning routine, every day is different. It is, now I come to think about it, pleasant and reassuring to know what I will be doing every morning…