Dr. Visit and Other Things*

The visit to the doctor was OK, nothing special. I DID get my back and the backs of my legs looked at and one place I had never thought of which was my scalp. Anyway, she didn’t see anything that looked suspicious so I can stop worrying about skin cancer. Not that I was actually very worried but I can put it out of my mind for a while. I went to the lab and gave them some blood and a urine sample.The people there told me I didn’t need to give them much urine, but, since I have got to the age where I go to the bathroom before I leave the house, I have a feeling I didn’t give them enough! There should be test results and explanations on the hospital’s web site in a few days. I have to say it is great not to have to carry grubby little bits of paper around with me to help me remember my medications. These days they just type in my name, and there it all is on the computer!

We are having strange-for-Vermont-at-this-time-of-the-year  weather. The snow was there for a few days and then it all melted. According to my computer, the temperature right now is 54! But I am not really complaining. I prefer not to add snow and ice to all my difficulties in getting around. I looked at my calendar more carefully and my visit to the ophthalmologist is next week not this week!

Plans for tomorrow.

  • Get sweaters out of dryer and put them away.
  • Find my packing list. I am pretty sure it in on the computer somewhere, probably in the folder called "documents."
  • Print out a calendar and write in what I have to do every day before I fly away on the 18th.
  • Call J. and ask her will she be available to take me to the airport. I got a cab last time because the fly-away time was at the crack of dawn and the return home was at 11 pm. This time I have been more sensible with times so I am hoping she can take me and then pick me up. If not, I can get a cab both times.
  • Check with neighbor that she can take plants and pick up mail.
  • Continue work on the art room. Yes, I HAVE started it. I said nothing because I was embarrassed that it had taken me so long to get started. I have hopes to get finished tomorrow…or the next day.
  • Sort out winter scarves, gloves  and hats. No one person needs as many scarves, gloves and hats as I have. Another offering for Freecycle…

I will probably not get all of this done tomorrow especially if Diane calls and wants to go to lunch. I always let her choose the day because with the exception of doctor visits, I have nothing i can’t postpone so it is easier for me to fit into her schedule. So, if I don’t get it all done, I can move it over to Thursday’s list with no problem. The fact that I am making lists indicates to me that I am getting better mentally.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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December 4, 2012

It’s so hard not to fear the future when yesterday’s future didn’t turn out too well. *Sigh!* However, the future isn’t over till it’s over. I’ve learned that the worst things I’ve been through have brought me great blessings. *ahem* sorry, I got distracted by one of your quotes up there. I wish my mother (the pack rat) was as diligent about getting rid of useless stuff as you are.

I freecycle all the time. Good way to get rid of stuff.

A fellow OD friend wrote a very interesting entry about the effects of solar flares and cycles of warm weather. It was fascinating to read and I learned something new.

December 4, 2012

Where are you going and for how long? Sounds like you will be away for Christmas. ENJOY!

December 4, 2012

The weather down here is downright awful for this time of year! Two days in a row, the temperature got up to seventy! I don’t like this in December. I had three windows open yesterday afternoon!! And a fan on! hugs, Nicky

December 5, 2012

i go to the bathroom every time before i leave the house. and hope i have enough for the test at the doctor’s office. lists keep us on track. i do lists when i fly away somewhere. and sometimes when i have a lot of things to do on one trip away from the house. glad you are feeling better. take care,

Our weather has been warmer than normal too…but we got rain yesterday and it is suppose to get cold and rain/snow. I would rather have the warmer weather:) Ok, I can handle the cold, and a little rain, but no snow. Sounds like you are about ready for your trip!