Doctor Appointment

I didn’t get to sleep until 2 this morning and I was up at 6 AM. Today, if I want to sleep well tonight, I just have to avoid naps— well, three hour naps anyway! I got up when I woke up this morning but didn’t dress. Instead I had a cup of tea and toasted rye bread with cream cheese and then at 7 AM I went back to bed and slept two more hours.

What I have been doing this morning is calling around to find a doctor who takes Medicare. Most of the ones that are close don’t. Eventually I got referred to one that isn’t a huge distance away. The phone was answered by a person with a lovely southern accent and a hyphenated first name, Mary Katharine. This amused me because one of the things a friend who worked with me tried to do was to give me a hyphenated typically Southern first name, and all my six now ex-sisters-in-law were hyphenated except for one! Anyway, this practice consists of two women doctors one of whom has a geriatric specialty. I am really pleased to find a woman doctor. Like Fred, I prefer them although I have no objection to male doctors. The geriatric interest could be a positive . Right now, however, I am showing no symptoms of Parkinson’s or Altzheimers. Anyway, I have an appointment for Wednesday and I plan to drive out there on Tuesday to make sure I can find them. Oh, and when I made a comment about finding them using my GPS, Mary Katherine said that if I got near and the GPS then lost me, to please call them and they would be happy to give me directions!

Today so far I have finished opening one box of art stuff and since Jake cleared off the table, I now have a place to put them. I am going to empty at least one more box. The secret of forcing myself to find a home for everything that comes out of the boxes is to spread this stuff out all over my bed so that I can’t get to bed tonight without putting it somewhere. I am trying to find permanent homes for the art stuff but there is no doubt that some of them will be moved again since I am not able to get to the shelves where they will eventually be. I am not fretting over this. What else have I to do except arrange these things for my convenience!

I have just finished my second cup of coffee in an effort to NOT take a nap, and the caffeine seems to be kicking in. So, I am going to walk to my mailbox to get a little real sunshine into my body!

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I think NC may be more Southern then Alabama. LOL I don’t know anyone down here with a hyphen in their name. I slept too much last night and am therefore very lazy feeling today. That doesn’t happen very often but I hate it when it does. I LOVE how you are making so much progress with your place. We seem to be in such a slump because we really can’t do anything until we get that ran check. Hugs,M

February 18, 2013

Caffeine doesn’t keep me awake. There are lots of double names where I live and grew up, we don’t call them hyphenated but rather double names. My name is Betty Jo, my mothers name was Jo. After 3 main members of my family died in the 80’s and I moved to Austin I had always wanted just one name but didn’t like Betty alone and I hated to drop the Jo since it was my mothers name. And I didn’t want to go by Jo. The first guy I dated called me B J and I liked that so for 20 yrs now I am B J to new acquaintances but I haven’t tried to change my old friends to B J. After all those yrs of being Betty Jo it didn’t sound right for them to call me B J. And it doesn’t sound right for new friends to call me Betty Jo but at the doctors office but I don’t try to change them. I tell people that I have a double personality since I am known by 2 names.

February 18, 2013

You are not too far from Duke, and they have the best providers in the area. And they take Medicare. Look at

February 18, 2013

as for my family here (in NC,) don’t have double names or hypenated names, but most everyone has a nickname… for the most part people have no idea what the persons ‘real’ name is!! lol… the biggest difference in my family and most southerners is that we all talk very fast… quite unusual for the south!! glad you found a doctor and hope she works out for you!

February 18, 2013

Glad you’ve found a new doc – hope she works out. (huggles)

February 18, 2013

Naps can be deadly sometimes. Caffiene is a funny creature with me, sometimes it affects me, other times it does not.

February 19, 2013

i so love a southern accent. i miss southern talking and the culture and the way of life. i’m glad you found a doctor so quickly and one that specializes in geriatrics. wonder if my doctor does. she keeps saying ‘a person of your age’ so maybe she does. i’ll have to read up on her and see. one box at a time. it’ll eventually get done. take care,

February 19, 2013

RYN. Yes, the paddle was stuck in the bread and made a hole when I pulled it out!