Continuing Unpacking*

My bed has four pillows {I found the pillows!} and they all have pillow cases because I found the pillow cases! Actually, I don’t usually need four pillows. Normally, I use two but last night I had four on the bed just because I could. In one of the boxes I emptied yesterday I also found my huge winter comforter so I am taking the extra blankets off the bed today and putting this big fat comforter over one blanket as I usually do. I am still loving my memory foam mattress. 

In my disorganized way, I am quite organized. I have small boxes of things that go together and two of these have been unpacked, Unfortunately, the one I really need, the one with the picture hangers and the hammer is showing no signs of surfacing as yet!

Jobs for today:

  • Get all the "stuff’ OFF the bathroom floor and find a home for it. There is absolutely NO storage space at all in this bathroom except under  the sink. I was spoiled by the bathroom in Vermont which had a huge amount of counter space and a couple of big drawers plus a cabinet on the wall. I can store things like cold syrup and dramamine, stuff that is not needed right now, in one of the kitchen drawers since there is no small child who could accidentally get into them in this apartment. Doing this is not a big job but I really hate sorting and putting away small fiddly things!
  • Open the last wardrobe box and hang stuff up. In order to do this, I have to move a couple of big plastic storage boxes from a shelf inside the walk-in closet and put them on the floor.A couple of these storage boxes are quite heavy so I may need to wait until Jake can come by.

OK, that’s enough talking about getting things done. Time to get  up and do it!

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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February 6, 2013

I wish I lived nearby. I would zip right over there and help you!

when I lived in the studio apartment it had NO storage in the bathroom (except the behind the mirror thing) So I bought one of those cabinets that go over the toilet. And it has been awesome in every apartment I have lived in since then! That is my suggestion. 🙂

February 6, 2013

one of those storage cabinets over the toilet would help make some space. putting away small stuff is tedious and i hate to do it. i have 4 pillows on my bed and 6 pillows on raymond’s bed but i only use 2 at a time. you’ll get it all found and put away eventually. it takes a bit of time. take care,

February 6, 2013

I have heard from several sources that the bathroom is the worst place to store meds anyway. Too damp, especially in med cabinets over the sink. I moved mine to the kitchen but not sure that is much better. Maybe my bedroom?

February 6, 2013

I was going to suggest one of those over-the-toilet stands but two people have already beaten me to it! We can’t put one in our bathroom because the toilet’s right next to the shower and it would get wet (and in the way), so I made do with a two-tiered rack that stands on the back of the tank. I love it too – the facewashers are all rolled up on the bottom tier and the top holds mouthwash etc.

We need to get a couple more pillows. I am used to sleeping with two and all we bought were two se we each just have one. It’s just taking time to replace everything. It sounds like you are making progress!!! Hugs,M

February 6, 2013

I keep all our prescription type medications in the top drawer in the bedroom (and the ones I use daily in a pretty box on my bedside table) – you’re not really supposed to keep them in a high-humidity area like the bathroom. (huggles)

February 6, 2013

Sounds like you are slowly but surely getting organized and unpacked.