
  • This is me NOT writing about the  mobile phone. 
  • I had one of my rare awake-all-night nights. At six AM I got up and had breakfast and then went back to bed and slept until 10 AM. I think I may have a nap {with the alarm clock set} this afternoon.
  • I sent email to Jake asking him to check on landlines for me so I hope I will hear tomorrow.
  • Yesterday the bread machine and I made a loaf. It came out well. I put in an order for the powdered Vermont cheddar cheese at the King Arthur site and it should be here in a few days. Adding a little of that and a small amount of real cheddar means a lovely loaf which makes fantastic toast.
  • Every so often I get attracted by certain books and read my way through them until I suddenly have had enough. Right now it is the medieval mysteries by Margaret Frazer. {Short pause to check I have her name correctly. Yes. I do.} The ones I have been reading until yesterday were the Dame Frevisse ones but last night I started one of her "players" books and I am fascinated. The players were those who wandered about the countryside putting on simple Bible-based plays. What I love about these books is that they are character-based rather than plot-based. Of course there IS a plot but to me the plot is second to the characters. Highly recommended if you like this sort of writing.
  • OK, I am off for a nap. I will set the alarm for two hours…








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March 24, 2013

That toast sounds incredible. I used my bread machine twice and I need to get back into the routine of doing so. A total cost saver and the bread has been awesome.

I might have to try those books. Not sure what you mean by “character based” vs “plot based”. I thought all books were plot based! hmmm… off to go do some research…

Mmmm, that bread sounds delicious! I love cheese bread anyway. I think there’s going to be a nap in my day too! Just whenever you get around to sending the mattress pad is fine. Like you said, we won’t need it until fall or winter. Hugs,M

March 24, 2013

mmmmmm….cheese bread! I love it and should try making it sometime! :o) !! Since you were awake all night, I am very glad you got a nice long nap this morning! hugs, Nicky

I shall have to try these books. All my favorite authors are dead, and I have read all they wrote. Looking for a new one (author).

March 24, 2013

Now I’m craving cheddar bread! I have an old(first generation) bread machine that I haven’t used in years. I need to dig that out & make some bread. Do you use a bread machine mix or do you have a recipe that you like?

March 24, 2013

I really do like Margaret Frazer’s early mysteries, she knows her research. Her SCA novels are a hoot!

March 24, 2013

I haven’t used my bread machine in ages. The cheese bread sounds wonderful.

March 25, 2013

I did the same thing Sunday – didn’t sleep well and didn’t get up until almost 10 am.

March 26, 2013

ah…nice to get into a new series for reading.