Boo! Hiss!

  • It occurred to me today that when I stated that February 1st was 14 days from when my car was picked up. I was not considering that Sundays were not part of the two weeks and possibly not even Saturdays. So, I am doing my best to care as little about this as possible. The car will be here when it is here…
  • Remember I mentioned that the local grocery store will deliver? Well, since all over their site is a $4.95 fee, I wondered why I was going to be charged $25! So, today I got an answer. The $5 fee is for having a store employee pick up the stuff and put it in boxes. The delivery is ANOTHER  firm and they charge $25. So, ummm, no thanks! The store also will gather the stuff together for you and this, I think, costs the $5 fee. Then you can specify the time you will pick it up. Now, this would be helpful for me  because walking around the store hurts my back. But this requires I have a, y’know, car…
  • Today has been a not feeling so good day. So, I finished opening the one box in the bathroom and then spent the rest of the day napping and reading. There is a lot of "stuff’ to be put away. Well, it is going nowhere so maybe tomorrow some of it will find a home. Oh, I did set up one bookshelf and have started transferring DVDs {which, to my amazement are in a box marked DVDs  } to the shelves.
  • Jake dropped in yesterday after work and brought the small case and the other bits and pieces I had left there. I have done nothing with them as yet. This evening  I sent Jake an email telling him about the food delivery and what I had learned. I asked him to take me grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday…

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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I’d pay five bucks for someone to run around a store for me and I could just pick the stuff up. The time that it would save would be a blessing.

January 30, 2013
January 30, 2013

The trouble with having someone else do the “shopping” is that they don’t know exactly which size, brand, or whatever that you would pick. Unless they have every single thing listed on the website. It would sure cut down on the impulse buying, though.

January 30, 2013

I always forget that Saturday and Sunday are not included when it says 2 weeks or x amount of days. Sure is taking them a long time to get your car there, no telling where all it has been hauled around to. Wow $25 is a lot for delivery and the $5 isn’t great. Seems like they would do it for free for the business. I would be better off if I paid to have my groceries gathered up for me so I wouldn’t do impulse shopping but I like to go to the store.

January 30, 2013

We have free delivery here. The only problem is that if you don’t tell them exactly what brand or size, the send the biggest size and most expensive brand. Since I only live a block and a half from the store I haven’t needed to use it more than once when I had surgery.

They just HAVE to tack a fee on for every little thing don’t they? Sure wish they would get your car to you. I know that has to be aggravating. Hugs,M

January 30, 2013

I wonder if over time you might meet some friends in the area who could use the help in picking up the groceries. They can order and you could pick up. If you charged them a nominal amount it would help with transportation expenses for you and them. be well;peace…dan

I think it’s ridiculous that the company transporting your car are not able to give you a more consise date of delivery. I drove a truck for more than six years…there’s no reason I can think of, especially after all this time, that they haven’t called you with a projected delivery date. Even if they were having mechanical problems, they owe it to the customer to keep you updated. I feel so badly for you over this! *HUGS*

January 30, 2013

That $25 delivery fee is outrageous! That’s no help to people at all. It makes me mad just thinkin’ about it! Napping and reading are great things, far better than pushing yourself to do stuff when you really don’t feel that good. My sister Sandy (the one whose husband recently passed away) has begun taking naps too! She said she never could fall asleep in the daytime before, but now she suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure can. hugs, Nicky

January 31, 2013

i might pay $5 to have someone gather up my groceries for me so they were ready when i got there to pay for them. impulse shopping would be a thing of the past!! i wonder why you haven’t heard anything about when your car would be delivered? hope you get it soon. i just noticed that it says you are still in vermont. take care,

January 31, 2013

You know, I might look into seeing if our grocery stores have similar services. I could barely cook a meal this week because I kept not making it to the grocery store. I would gladly pay them 5.00 to make my life easier. I can hear it now, “Babe, let’s run by the store and pick up some groceries.” And I would mean it literally. I could get so much more done with my time.

Wow, $25 extra? Then I suppose you have to tip the driver on top of that? I might pay the extra $5 to just go pick it up, but then I wonder if they would actually pick out the correct size/brand/ etc. I would probably try it once, just to see how good they were about grocery shopping for me:) Hope you get your car soon!

January 31, 2013

Gosh when I think back to the good old days and my mum sending me along to the corner shop with a note with her ‘order’ on it – it was all got together and packed in a box AND delivered for nowt! Changed days eh? RYN: I knew you wouldn’t have a problem with it with your art connections and like you say we are as we are indeed!