
  • At this moment, I am acutely anxious. I can’t tell you what I am specifically anxious about—well, actually I CAN tell you. It is just a collection of small things which, at another time I would just take in stride. What is worrying me about this is that I have no idea WHY I am so anxious.
  • Another diarist mentioned in passing how awful the residential schools in her country used to be and I wrote a long note explaining why the residential school my sister and I went to was so good for me {she hated it} and I went on and on until sanity suddenly set in and I deleted the whole note without saving it.
  • It is one AM. I should have been in bed three hours ago.
  • I got a lot of small-but-necessary things done today.
  • I made a frittata for myself this evening and it was full of leftover vegetables . I really enjoyed it although I am not loving that the smell of cooked onions is hanging around…
  • Oh! It has suddenly occurred to me that the coffee I had this morning might have something to do with this feeling. but surely not! I drank one-and-a-half cups about 9 AM. And it wasn’t very strong coffee.
  • Tomorrow I need to use the land line to call the general practitioner who set up the appointments with the other doctors. Apparently she is worried about me because I haven’t called the urologist nor the physical therapy person. {Another thing I can say thank you Virgin Mobile for. } Anyway, doctor C left me a voice message to call her and last week she actually sent me snail mail. How did I get the voice mail you may be wondering? Well, every so often, about every third day, for a few moments the  cell phone phone comes back to life long enough that I can retrieve voice mails… I still cannot make or receive calls.}
  • Just think, if I had known how long this problem with Virgin Mobile was going to take, I could have used the $100 I had prepaid to  VM to get the shingles shot…
  • Ok, I feel a bit less anxious now I have written all this down. Time to go to bed and read for a while.








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April 8, 2013

i can’t imagine how awful being that anxious. it must be awful. but, i guess sometimes you can work your way out of the feeling. you have my prayers. have you had any luck getting the cell phone problem fixed? take care,

April 8, 2013

I hate that anxious feeling. I was just looking at my list of things to get done, and it is getting quite long (again), so the anxiety rises. Time to tick a few things off the list, methinks. I hope you figure yours out and subdue it!

April 8, 2013

The phone situation must be a source of aggravation and anxiety. I did a quick check of cell phone complaints on the web and it looks like Virgin Mobile is infamous for its poor customer service. I wonder how they stay in business with so many dissatisfied customers? It appears that you aren’t alone with these phone issues.

Sorry you are anxious..I hope writing everything down helped ease your mind a little.

April 8, 2013

That must be maddening about the VM problem. I’d be tied up with anxiety over it, so yeah, don’t beat yourself up — blame the damn phone!

Hope you got some sleep!!!!! Hugs,M

April 8, 2013

Feel better. Anxiety is awful.

My Dad got a shingles shot and it was $300 here in Canada 🙁

April 8, 2013

aww, I hope that the anxious feeling doesn’t linger for long. It’s probably a combination of the annoyance over the Virgin Mobile, having so many things to deal with all at once, and maybe just tiredness. Are you making sure to eat a balanced diet through this busy time of getting settled into your new home? hugs, Nicky

April 8, 2013

I get that anxious feeling when my blood sugar plummets. I piece of cheese or a boiled egg and I’m good. I’m glad your’s passed. I hate that feeling.

April 8, 2013

I understand.