An Update on the Previous Update!

  • Well, I did make one more appointment with this ophthalmologist for after I come back from visiting my kids. But it will be the last one I ever make and not only because I will be moving! If I was staying here, I would find another doctor. And my new appointment is at 1:30 which probably means I will be driving home late at night! {I exaggerate here }  I am limited as to whom I can choose because although there are other eye doctors in the department, he is the only one whose specialty is glaucoma. Anyway, the discussion is moot since I will be moving to another state anyway.
  • The results of all the testing including the ultrasound is that for a person of my age with only one kidney, I am doing fairly well. The blood test showed that creatinine level was up a little over normal but apparently, this has happened before and at times when I was stressed, so I promised I would drink lots of water and will go back to see them again when I get back after the New Year. My bladder is doing what bladders do and there seems to be no difficulty there.
  • It is very interesting to see  a chart of all this testing covering six months or so. It was actually possible to see that these little jumps in creatinine levels came a couple of times when I was very stressed. I am usually fairly diligent about water consumption, but apparently this diligence disappeared during the time when Fred was in hospital or rehab. Anyway, I have been reminded again about how important drinking  water is for me.
  • The guy who came to look at what I needed to move was very efficient and will have a price for me on Monday.
  • I was so tired when I got home today at about 3 pm that I made myself a sandwich and fell asleep in a comfy  chair for about three hours!

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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December 14, 2012

I’m so glad that your tests weren’t too serious, but definitely stay hydrated!

I had to read back a ways to get caught up! I love that you walk out of appointments like that. And I hope everything works out well with the mover.

What is it with eye doctors? I once waited five hours for my genius retinologist, but I wouldn’t do that for the current one. = I’m so glad your tests were relatively good. One less worrisome thing

What that an extra dose of enthusiasm I heard when you mentioned the upcoming move? *smiles* What a relief to learn the results of all those tests weren’t nearly what you feared they might be!

December 15, 2012

Growing older is such a challenge. Keep going, the alternative is not to be contemplated at this time.

Water is a great thing, so drink it;) I am glad everything went well at the Dr’s:)

December 15, 2012

It’s funny, but once I stopped drinking sodas and switched to water, I’ve lost my taste for sugary drinks. Now I just keep a big glass of water near to hand all the time, and don’t mind a bit. Stay hydrated, it will help a lot.