An Update

  • When I wrote about the "once a month" pill, I actually meant "once a week!"
  • I started emptying a box this morning and in it was my back-up hard drive! It was bundled in the box with all the cords tangled up in a big mess. I was SO annoyed because I told the packer that if he wanted me to I would detach all the peripherals {like the back-up hard drive} and make it easier for him to pack them. All he did was to detach them from the Mac and wrap the whole jumble. Anyway, now the Time Machine program will quit telling me how long it has been since it backed up…  I just told it to back up and it is busy working in the background. {I know it is working because I can see the blue light flickering.}
  • Last night I went to bed around 10 PM and around 11 PM, as I was putting my Kindle down, I realized I was just a little hungry. It wasn’t enough to force me to get up so I went to sleep. However, I woke up at 5AM ravenously hungry. Since I intended to make oatmeal this morning, everything was out there waiting for me to put the parts together so I did that. I had a bowl, and then because I had been shaky-knees hungry, a carbohydrate coma sent me back to bed to sleep for another couple of hours! I try to eat something every four hours to avoid this but didn’t do too well yesterday. And because I was up do early, all my meals will be at different times today.
  • Jake just left. {He is taking some time off work to get some personal stuff done so he was able to come in this morning instead after work.} He put together my new torchiere floor light and the cane stand. He also moved some boxes I couldn’t get to out to the dining room area. {This area will become the art area since I always eat off a tray.} Anyway, having the boxes where I can get to them will make it easier for me to open them. He also moved two out of the four boxes in the walk-in closet and put them where I could get to them. There are still two more there but he will get to them after I have emptied the other two. He was going to put two of the emptied plastic totes in the little area off the patio where the hot water heater is but we discovered that the lock on the sliding screen door wouldn’t work so we couldn’t get out there. So I need to call the office and get someone up here to fix that. And, finally, on his way out, he took broken-down flat boxes and two bags of trash to drop them off at the dumpster.
  • I still have boxes marked "books" to open but I won’t be able to get them all put away until I find the shelves which are NOT in boxes marked "bookshelves!"
  • My stomach is telling me it is time for lunch…

Goals for today: Finish opening the box I started this morning and continue dealing with piles of "stuff."








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March 6, 2013

glad you are getting things taken care of and cleaning out boxes and putting away things. glad your lamp is together and you have your ceiling lit up. your entry on lighting up the ceiling made me go out and buy 2 lamps that light up the ceiling and have a reading light on them, too. it totally changes the whole look of my living room. take care,

March 6, 2013

Sounds like the packers just decided to put things in random boxes that had space in them rather than adhere to a system. How annoying! I’m glad you finally found your backup drive, though!

You remind me that I unplugged my back-up hard drive when the computer was off for repairs and haven’t re-attached it yet. Going to do that now. How did you know?

March 6, 2013

ryn: Thank you for your kind words, Patrisha. You are definite proof that there is life beyond cancer and I wish you continuing good health!

🙂 Thanks for your note Patrisha. You made me laugh too. Hope you find your bookshelves.

March 6, 2013

When I’m unpacking I open most of the boxes and get what I need out when I need or want it. Of course I have never had anyone to pack my things, I think that would drive me more insane than I am now to have someone messing with my stuff but I understand you weren’t able to pack and I’ll probably be in that spot one day.

March 6, 2013

You are getting so much done! Yay! Those packers sure did co-mingle things. You’ll soon have everything in its place & you will be able to relax & enjoy your new home.

March 6, 2013

It seems like most packers/movers just throw stuff into boxes in some sort of mess, or at least they do that with some of the stuff. But at least you are getting things unpacked and set to rights! I’m glad your son is close-by and gets to come over pretty often to help you out. :o) !! hugs, Nicky

March 6, 2013
