Almost Ready*

  • I am leaving for MS this afternoon and have reached the point in my packing where I am putting in the last-minute things. I have just gathered up my card reader, the little cards the pictures are saved on and the case where they  go, the battery charger and a charged battery.  Are you noticing something is missing? Yes, I cannot lay my hand on the camera! There are a couple of places where the camera might be, but if it isn’t there, well, there is no point in taking the other stuff. So, you nay not get to see a picture of me struggling to get into my younger son’s HUGE truck!
  • I got another phone call from my older son asking was I still coming on the flight I had told him I was coming on. Ummm, I think it is fairly likely  I would have called him if there were changes since he is picking me up in Jackson, MS this evening!
  • I hope I have solved the clothing problem of going to two areas where the climates are very different. I have T Shirts for MS and a few long-sleeved light sweaters to wear over them when I go to NC. I am also wearing a very light but very warm coat which I will wear onto the plane and then put it away until I go to NC.
  • I sent my landlord email this morning telling him I will be away and also telling him that I would be looking for an apartment in NC and that February would most probably be my last month. I don’t really know when I will be leaving since I don’t have a place to live as yet and won’t have until the new year…
  • OK. Off to check out possible places the camera might be, followed by making sure I have tip money handy for the people who will be pushing me around in wheelchairs in the various airports!

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet

Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

– Oscar Wilde

Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers}







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December 18, 2012

Hope you find that camera!!!

December 18, 2012

Have a safe and wonderful trip!

You are off on yet another adventure!

Hope you find the camera and enjoy a safe quiet trip..

December 18, 2012

have a wonderful, safe trip!

Have a wonderful trip!

December 18, 2012

I always carry a bunch of.ones to have for tips for helping with my luggage. I don’t travel light and I have to have help with 3 bags but I can manage them though they are stuffed full as I travel international sor several weeks. Hope you found your camera

December 18, 2012

Hope you find the camera before you go – safe journey!

December 18, 2012

I hope you have a wonderful time visiting your sons!! hugs, Nicky

December 18, 2012

Have a safe & great trip! I am hoping that you did manage to find your camera in time.

Be well, safe, and happy. Hoping to see you and read your words soon.

Have a safe and fun trip!!

December 19, 2012

hope you find that camera. hoping you have a very good time with your boys. i think you will enjoy living in north carolina. nowhere near the cold and snow of vermont. take care,

December 19, 2012

North Carolina is a lovely place and the weather is usually quite mild in winter compared to the snowy north. I hope you find a good apartment there.

Have a great time!