Absolutely the LAST word about the Green Card…
After a year of worrying about this, today I went to the INS’s office and got a new green card. It took all of 15 minutes and couldn’t have been easier…
Well, to be strictly accurate, it will be around 8 months before it arrives {no, you are not mishearing me…MONTHS} but I have a neat little stamp in my passport that says I am legal and a receipt that shows I have paid $110 for the privilege {insert grin here}
So, the next thing I have to do is to take my sister up on her kind offer to pay my fare and, at the end of September, fly off to England for a couple of weeks. I will be there for my niece’s wedding in early October which was the reason that finally forced me to do something about this tatty green card I have had since 1963…
I wish I knew why I do this kind of thing — I mean obsess and worry about doing something that eventually turns out to be really easy…