A Very Short Entry

This morning I opened a box that said printer paper on the side. There was no printer paper. But there was my SAD  light. Oh, and my Bamboo drawing pad for the computer. The cord for the pad was missing. I have been putting cords that seem to belong to nothing all in one place so I am hoping the cord is in there. The SAD light has the cord attached I am happy to say.

I am still putting away which takes more time than opening. Talking about opening boxes, I have mislaid the box opener. But I do have large scissors which in a pinch will work. Hmmm, I seem to have nothing else to say which is odd.







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March 7, 2013

I saw you on the front page! and I’m glad you found your SAD light. I know it really helps! :o) !! hugs, Nicky

March 7, 2013

LOL! I love the logic of the way your stuff was packed. It had to have been those moving guys, right? 😉

Just backtracked an entry. You are making such good progress!!! Glad you found your SAD light! Hugs,M

March 7, 2013

Won’t it be wonderful when you’re all unpacked. We have one shelf where we keep all the wires. So many……………………….

You’re getting there! Mismatched cords seem to multiply.

March 8, 2013

Yay for finding the SAD light! I have been packing things away just for a storage purpose since we are no longer moving, and although I am labeling, I keep thinking that I am putting things in there that aren’t what is labeled. LOL. Granted all of the things are of no importance currently as they just sit around, but still.

March 8, 2013

You’re doing so well with this stuff – there’s a lot of excellent tenacity going on here!

March 9, 2013

I’ve never used a drawing pad. It sounds like fun 🙂