A Question /edit

In a few minutes I am off on a trial drive to find my new ophthalmologist since I have an appointment on Thursday. But before I go I have this question.

When I put jam or jelly on a bagel or a piece of toast, why do I get sticky stuff on my hands? When I use cream cheese, the cream cheese doesn’t migrate to my hands! Marmite on toast stays exactly where it is put. What is it about jam, or to be more precise, marmalade, that causes it to cling to my fingers?

Now I am off to wash my hands.

If you think I am procrastinating because I am nervous about this trip, you are right…

Well, I got to the ophthalmologist’s place after getting lost three times! Yes, I did use my GPS but the main problems are (a) I am not good at estimating distances so when the GPS tells me to turn in 0.7 miles I tend to turn too soon. Also I am not used to interstate traffic. Yes, we have interstates in Vermont but if you want the truth, I stayed off them as far as possible! The third thing that causes me problems is that mostly I do not see the road name until I am very close to it. And I discovered this morning that the GPS actually tells me which lanes I can be in to turn off the interstate. I never saw that feature before since I don’t think Vermont has six lane highways! 

So, I am going to try it again tomorrow and this time I will pay attention to the time it takes. My appointment is at 10:45 so if I leave an hour to earlier to get there, it will give me some extra time because I am pretty sure it won’t take me an hour. On Thursday I need to arrive early anyway because there will be forms to fill out. When I talked to the front desk person, she said there were forms on their site. If there are, I can’t find them, so I need to allow time for form filling. {Note to self: This is an EYE doctor. Surely I will not be asked the date I started menopause. In case you didn’t know, being ask this is a pet peeve. It doesn’t happen suddenly on one day! I tend to be sarcastic on forms that ask me this.}

My telephone is still dead. I got yet another email this morning. Among other things it said,

"We opened an internal case with the information you provided and
assigned it to our specialist department so they will review your
account to determine the main cause of the issue and will fix it for

Please allow us eight business days for a resolution. The case Id you
can use as reference is: 00000000."

That is, of course, not the correct number. So, eight days without a working phone. Bah! Humbug! This is actually a good incentive to call and get a price on getting a land line…

I am not sure if I mentioned I have two handicapped parking tags, one for Jake and one for me. There are two handicapped parking places outside my apartment and the are always occupied. I pulled into one of them when I came back so we shall see. Since now there are three of us in this building, maybe we can get another space allotted? {I just realized I am assuming these other two people are in my building…}






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March 18, 2013

I had to laugh at your menopause peeve because I am the same way!

March 18, 2013

I feel exactly the same way you do about the questions on forms. Many times I refuse to answer & leave it blank. I have been challenged but I hold my ground. The menopause question may be on there because things do change in your eyes during menopause. I had lasik done while in periomenopause it did affect the procedure. Hormones & eye pressure I was told. Can cause flucuations in your vision.

March 18, 2013

I can’t see the road names ’til I am very close, too, and I have to be driving really slow or I won’t be able to make my turn once I do see it! If it makes you nervous to drive to any of your doctors’ offices, you could schedule the appointments when Jake can take you or go by taxi….or bus! Is the town you live in one that has fairly convenient bus routes? I don’t know “why” about the jam,cuz I am a very messy person and tend to get ANYthing on me! hugs, Nicky

that is a nifty feature for the GPS. Mine just says “keep to the right!” or “Keep to the left!” So I just get in the far lane, often to find that I could have stayed in the lane I was in. Oh well. 8 business days?! That is a long time! Almost 2 weeks (when not counting weekends). yikes! I hope they figure it out, and I hope the landline works out for you!

March 18, 2013

I had to laugh at your jelly question! I very seldom eat jelly and actually put chocolate frosting on my last English muffin. The reason I don’t eat jelly a lot is because I hate getting my hands all sticky. I made some toast last night and thought the same thing – why is it only jelly that jumps off the cliff!!

March 18, 2013

Yep same here with the menopause thing – in fact I’d be surprised if anyone knew exactly when they started it!

I got upset with the OB/GYN when she ordered HIV and STD tests for me when I JUST TOLD HER I hadn’t had sex since the last time I’d had the tests. She says “it’s routine”. I pitched a fit and told her “it’s not MY routine…I don’t want the tests run. Period”. You would have thought I had 2 heads or something! Geez!!

March 19, 2013

Good luck with the parking place! There are two in our carpark and when I got a permit the person who’d claimed one of them got really POed at John for taking ‘her’ spot. Only then she lost her car, so now it’s mine all mine… at least when the guy in the truck doesn’t park there.(huggles)

March 22, 2013

Maybe because it was on the jar? You know, I hate to even say this because it sounds like a jab, which I don’t mean it to be. But your moving, and your writing about it…make me so glad we don’t have to move anytime soon. I sure hate it. It’s lastingly hard. But ultimately worth it, I guess; the right move decides.

March 22, 2013

(Laughing) Like what do you say? the sarcastic answer to when you started? “June 19, 1993 at 4:12pm” or something?