.A late Entry

  • I have unpacked a couple of lamps and, annoyingly, the harp and finial on each one seem to be missing. The big lamp was the only thing in the box and it was surrounded by wadded up paper which I pushed into one of the big black bags. I bet the missing pieces are in that bag which I am NOT going to tip out to check. I have found a place on line that sells them and I have bookmarked it so tomorrow I will order what I need. Actually I may just wait because I suppose it IS possible that those bits are in another box I haven’t opened yet.
  • I have reached a point where I can’t do any more until some furniture is moved. And that will have to wait until Jake gets some free time. The poor guy has to work both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Still, it is not as if there is any hurry on this. I am at the point where I can get around this apartment but only because there are deliberate spaces left between the piles!
  • I don’t know if anyone else does this but it seems whenever I tell someone else I will do something, that then becomes something I have a lot of problems with. I told my new doctor I would make an effort to get a handle on my sleeping problems. This morning I woke at 6 am so I got up and got dressed and had breakfast. Since I get sleepy if I eat a big breakfast, I ate lightly which meant four hours later, at 10 am I was ready for lunch. This was followed by another meal at two, and actually, since I was very hungry by then, it was a large meal. Which meant I had a nap from 3 to 7 which means’ of course, I won’t sleep well tonight! Ok, I am not beating myself up over this. It will all sort itself out eventually.
  • I forgot to unplug my phone this morning so by the time I got round to it, I had three voice mails. All of them were related to medical matters. One was  a "call for results of blood and urine test" one which I am not worried about, one was a reference to an ophthalmologist from my new doctor and one was, I think, a reference to a kidney doctor. Now, I need and had asked for these, but not all at once! I will deal with them on Monday. I am unsure of the last one because it came from a gabbler, you know, one of those people who talk so fast on the phone that one catches about every third word. But she did slow down for the phone number and repeated it slowly so when I get round to following up on this, I do, at least have a phone number!
  • Today I finished my on-line grocery order and I will pick it up on Monday between 11:30 and noon. I have a big bag of peppermint patties in there! {Which doesn’t mean I will get it but I am hopeful!}
  • I have finished watching the second season of "The Game of Thrones." I also go a $5 refund from Amazon since I pre-ordered it and the price went down before they sent it. I have been unpacking cds and DVDs and, since I have a lot of Star Trek stuff I haven’t watched for a long time, I think my 30 minute breaks tomorrow will be spent with Deep Space Nine.








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February 22, 2013

Day by day….you are doing what can be done. Wonder where the harp and finial went? No chance that they will show up? Keep on keeping on.

I really want to see “A Game of Thrones” but I would have to pay for it and I haven’t gotten desperate enough yet to do that!

February 22, 2013

Here’s hoping your grocery order is filled the way you want it!

February 23, 2013

I think that we are conditioned, not by nature, but by our society, to think that people are SUPPOSED to sleep a seven-to-eight-hour stretch, and it’s SUPPOSED to be at night-time. Of course if we work full-time and have a day job, we do have to, kinda/sorta. But if we’re not employed for whatever reason….why does it even matter when we sleep? Before I began working again, I routinely slept 3 or4 hours at a time, and part of it would often be in the daytime. If I hadn’t gone back to work, I’d still be doing it, cuz it worked quite well for me. Maybe you are concerned about something you don’t really need to be concerned about? Oh my, that is a lot of tests to have to get done all at once! Ya know, it happens that way with me sometimes too….that I have troubles and more troubles with things I’ve told people I am doing. But I can’t seem to ever do ANYthing without blabbing it to the whole world! :o) !! hugs, Nicky

February 23, 2013

I love Peppermint Patties but they are so expensive here. $1.39 for one that’s about 3 bites!

February 23, 2013

just take it easy and don’t hurt yourself trying to move stuff. it will happen. it takes time to set up a new home. oh, just sleep when you are sleepy. i have an aunt who gets up around 4am and putters around in the early morning. she usually takes a doze in the middle of the afternoon or any time she gets tired. does it really matter? maybe it does, i don’t know. i love peppermint patties but i can’t eat chocolate and mint together. take care,

I love your peppermint patty order. It brought back memories of my dad. He kept a bag of them by his bed and when he would wake up during the night he would eat a couple. His excuse was that he just needed something for his dry mouth. Truth be told my dad had a huge sweet tooth. LOL Hugs,M

I hope you get your peppermint patties .

February 24, 2013

I know what you mean about having difficulty with the thing you are working on. It’s like when you are riding a bike and there is a tree next to the sidewalk. The more you look at the tree to avoid it the more likely you are to run into it. I think it is all about what you are focused on.