A Good Day*
- This is a good day. I slept from midnight to 7 AM. I got up feeling good. {This means my back hurt minimally when I got up and that minimal pain went away after the back exercises.}
- I just pressed the "buy button" to get myself a pair of fleece-lined slippers through Amazon. I need something that will keep my feet warm AND that have a hard sole so that I feel safe walking around the apartment in them. I have several soft-sole ballet-type pairs but I do not feel safe walking in them even using a cane.
- One of my long-time readers suggested I allow my neighbors to help me bring groceries in when they offer because allowing people to help allows them feel good! This, I have come to realize, is an EXCELLENT idea {and I would have left her a thank-you note except that OD has been so flaky lately}. So, the next time I receive an offer, I will do this. Jake has also, in the last few weeks, talked to me about letting him help me, actually, about asking him for help. As I have mentioned before, I find asking for help very VERY difficult but the more I think about it. the more I realize that since I am at the time in my life where I NEED more help, it is rather silly not to ask for it! Especially since this is one reason I moved from VT to NC –to be able to get help from my son!
- And now, this seems like a time to say again that I have two excellent sons who after Fred died and without me having to say a word, both immediately made it clear that I was absolutely welcome to come and live near them so they could help me when I needed help. I appreciate them AND my daughter-in-law whom I am fortunate not only to love but also like very much!
- OK, now it is time to decide what I am going to do with the rest of this day. It is quite possible that I may decide to do nothing except read because now I am retired, if I want to do nothing constructive with my time, I can!
Of course, I can also tidy up the kitchen and then read, thus making me feel very virtuous!
An emotion is only an emotion.
It’s just a small part of your whole being.
You are much more than your emotion.
An emotion comes, stays for a while, and goes away, just like a storm.
If you’re aware of that, you won’t be afraid of your emotions.
~Thich Nhat Hanh
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius
It is hard to ask for help, but I do agree that it would be wonderful to allow others help you carry in groceries. That would be a big help and truly would alleviate some of the stress and such surrounding that task. (It is one that I hate myself). Last black friday, I purchased some furry lined moccasin-type shoes that had a non-skid sole from Kohl’s online. I love the shoes & still wear them.
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i found it very hard to ask for help when i was laid up from knee surgery. i started doing things on my own again as quick as i could. but, i know it makes me feel good to help someone else so why keep someone from feeling good about helping me? glad you are feeling pretty good today and you do what you feel like doing. some days are meant to be lazy kind of days. take care,
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I think asking for help is a hard thing to do. Gratefully accepting help that’s offered is a little easier, and a great place to start.
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Yes, it does make people feel good being able to help somebody, so don’t be afraid to ask!
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My sisters are 70 and 74, and they both hate asking for help too! I THINK I don’t mind asking for help, but according to Carrie, I don’t like to accept help???? It is true what your friend told you, though….giving people a chance to help you really does make them feel good. Not much feels better than being able to lend someone a hand! :o) !! hugs, Nicky
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