A Brief Comment

This morning’s entry went private…

I want to remember this.

Before I went into this surgery, I had a tiny little feeling I would never wake up from it. So, after the surgery, I heard someone call my name and ask me what was the name of the family member who came with me. I said "Fred," then opened my eyes, and realized I was alive. A HUGE wave of happiness swept over me and apparently I smiled. {This was commented on because most people don’t wake from anesthesia smiling!}

I want to remember this feeling.

QUOTATION: If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

— David Viscott

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June 28, 2007

That’s a great memory!

June 28, 2007

Now, who wouldn’t smile if they had the suave, debonair, adorable Fred waiting for them, I ask you????? Thanks for sharing that. I think I got a glimmer of it myself just reading this. Love you! ~M


June 28, 2007

that’s a terrific memory!! i can imagine that must have put a great big smile on your face! but, then, with a guy like fred waiting for you, who wouldn’t wake up smiling!!! take care,

June 28, 2007

That almost brought tears to my eyes! How joyous to realize you’d made it!

June 28, 2007

You never cease to amaze me. Seriously.

June 28, 2007
June 28, 2007


I bet you were an absolute treat to have as a patient…Im sure of it!

June 28, 2007

I’m so glad you are home and writing!

This brought tears to my eyes. The happy kind. Thank you for sharing that moment.

That’s definately a feeling worth remembering. What joy!

Aww, what a great memory to have! Hugs, M

yes, my experiences have been diverse. they say that are thinking and feeling as you go under is what you’ll remember as you come out. a lovely thing to want to remember – i doubt you’ll forget.

June 29, 2007

Aw, that’s wonderful. I am glad you shared this with us! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

I’ve never had surgery. This is why it scares me. I can imagine that waking up would make you smile.

June 30, 2007

I had the same fear when they knocked me out to take my wisdom teeth out at nineteen. I have low blood presure, my heart was pounding so hard before theyknocked me out I could feel it in my head. I am so so glad you awoke. Take care.