- I hope everyone had a nice Boxing Day.
- Jake came over on Christmas Day and we exchanged gifts. My older son in MS also called me later in the day as did Fred’s daughter in Vermont.
- Today the plan was that I go over to Jake’s house to see the changes he has made after his house was broken into, and to see his two cats. Then we were going to go to lunch. All that changed when he realized the doctor appointment he had down for the 27th was actually on the 26th! So, we are going to do all that tomorrow instead.
- Basically today I did nothing except read. Oh, and I vacuumed the living room. And took a short nap!
- Since I have been going to Target grocery store, I have as per the phone call I got from my bank a few days ago, been checking my account every day on line. So far, my account doesn’t show anything except what I have been buying. Lots of legitimate payments to Amazon!
- This morning when I got up, the temperature was 34 degrees and I don’t think it even hit 40 all day.
- I got an email from a friend back in Vermont answering the email I sent her about what was going on in my life and the future surgery. You may remember that I was very upset that I got no email from her at the time I sent mine. I haven’t answered hers as yet, but I will. I sort of wanted to be a bit pissy about this–a sort of "Too late!" but that would be silly so I am going to reply to hers as if there wasn’t a long period of time when I felt that she ignored what I wrote… I am supposed to be an adult, right?
- OK. time to get a snack and them to bed to read for a while before I fall asleep…
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius
sometimes, it’s so hard to be an adult. i haven’t shopped at target in months. i’ve not ever found anything i liked at target. might shop there if the one that’s close had groceries. take care,
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I get “pissy” too sometimes, but then I realize that the only person I’m hurting is me. The other person seldom knows that they’ve upset me, and my acting that way I perceived them acting goes right over their head. Sometimes, though, I hate being the grown-up.
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Oh, that reminds me – I should reply to my friend Marilyn’s email.
What are you reading on your Kindle these days? Or, in any form.
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Glad you’ve got a date for your surgery and that it’s not too far away. I think Boxing Days are usually ‘do-nothing-very-much’ days – ours certainly was!
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