- I am just letting days pass until the 20th which is when I have surgery. There is a pre-surgery meeting on the 6th and, apparently I get to talk to the anesthesiologist. Usually I am asked if I have any problems with anesthetic to which I say no and that is it. When Jake was about 18 months, he was admitted into hospital to have tubes put in his ears and adenoids removed. Since he was so young, I spent a lot of time with him and I remember the anesthesiologist coming in and telling me what was going to be done to him and how he would look coming out of surgery. That is the only anesthesiologist who has ever told me anything I felt was of any value to me!
- I have just bought myself a large three-bag laundry sorter and I wheeled it from the bedroom {where it has temporarily settled until I find its new home} to the utility room. It as amazingly easy and I am so pleased I got it.
- Jake bought me a really nice hand-made wooden board for the kitchen for Christmas It is the Union Jack, the English flag, in shades of brown. I like it a lot AND it is useful, too. I gave him a check to add to his collection of Useful Things to Work With–like an anvil– and a knife to add to his collection.
- I made a comment on Facebook that I had read a couple of the Dexter books but not seen it on TV so Jake sent me an email telling me it was on Netflix streaming. So today I watch a couple of episodes and I like it a lot so far! The show does very well with the odd mixture of damaged person and serial killer and yet he is likeable that kept one reading the books. I particularly liked the bits where is foster father who both loved him and accepted the way he was was teaching him how to fit in. Although I didn’t turn out to be a sociopath, I did have a lot of trouble fitting into what society wanted me to be.
- So, let’s see if this will save…
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment. — Marcus Aurelius
Hang in there….eighteen days until surgery can seem like a long time. I admire you.
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Hang in there….eighteen days until surgery can seem like a long time. I admire you.
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Hang in there….eighteen days until surgery can seem like a long time. I admire you.
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I should get a laundry sorter, but my hamper will do for now.
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Didn’t know until my 40s that you could ask for something to be added to the anaesthetic that would prevent postop vomiting. I remember the old days of the cone and ether, shudder.
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Oh how I loved Dexter. In the beginning, I felt odd liking it. A vigilante serial killer. But it was such a well-written show, I couldn’t help it.
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have never watched dexter. got so much to watch as it is i don’t really have enough time for any other programs. i do hope the time passes quickly til your surgery. take care,
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My hubby and sons are addicted to dexter. They were sorry yo see it end. I must watch it on netflix.
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