Bad Taste

I consider myself to be pretty open and fairly shameless- but there are a few songs that even I am frankly quite embarrassed to admit to liking. 

It’s time for me to come clean.

Kenny Rogers- "The Gambler"

I guess this was back when Kenny Rogers was more man than plastic. Back before he decided to open a chicken restaurant. I don’t know if it is because my dad is still stuck in about 1978, or because I remember seeing Kenny Rogers do this song on the Muppet Show when I was little, or what… but I’ve always liked this ridiculous song.

Sharon, Lois, and Bram- "Elephant Show Closing Theme"

Yes, I’m serious.

Like any good child of the ’80s, I watched the Elephant Show. I dunno… maybe it’s the fact that they are ’60s hippies in with a decidedly ’80s vibe. Maybe it’s their hilarious Pirate outfits. Maybe it’s the tuba line, or the secondary dominants in the chord progression. I don’t know, but this song is like crack to me.

John Denver- "Annie’s Song"

Such a beautiful melody. When I hear this song, I can’t help but sing along. Sometimes, I’ll even harmonize.

Go ahead and take my Man Card if you must. Do it. I dare you. Unwrap it from my hard, uncircumcised cock- because this song gives me a boner every fucking time I hear it. 

Starship- "We Built This City."

Bad 80’s hair? Check.

Bad 80’s clothes? Check.

Bad 80’s graphics? Voiceover? Guitar solo? Check, check, and… motherfuckin’ check. This song might as well be the poster child for bad ’80s songs.

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