Whats in YOURRR wallet? (part 3)

Now, about sportsmanship…..

I’ve been playing the game for only 3 days now, but last night, I was attracting attention. Apparently, I was getting too good at what I was doing, and so the enemy began to conspire to eliminate me early. I was using my laser to direct my teammates fire power. I have very good mouse tracking skills because of my job, and was getting alot of the enemy force eliminated.

One player soon made it his purpose to seek out my “spawn” point, and eliminate me as quickly as possible. It is frustrating as a player, because each time I am shot, I start at a new location. It means I spend most of my game time just seeking position, not actually getting to do anything. And, I admit, I felt picked on. But, it was okay. It meant I was doing my job well. And, while one of the enemy was harrasing me, it meant he was forgetting about the team concept, and so wasn’t doing anything else of importance.

But, in the next game, the enemy went too far.

The game also contains a sophisticated voting system. This is designed to allow all of the players to vote on changing the mission map, surrendering early, or booting an obnoxious player. The downside of this system is seen in our real-world election process – most people don’t bother to vote. So, policy in the game is shaped by a small number of voters.

On this particular map, the flag and the generators are deep in the bowels of a sprawling underground base. There are three entrances, almost like hangars. Each teams base is identical to the others’. Well, on this map, it is one of my favorite chores to go down and defend the generator. This is usually a two or 3 person job. There are two entrances to the generator room, and if attacked, any assistance has to come the whole distance through the underground maze to assist, usually too late.

On this particular day, I got there first, and had managed to set up a fairly advanced defense before the first enemy came my way. I eliminated him, then called for assistance. About 5 minutes later, a teammate shows up, sees that I am there, and leaves. As if I was enough for the job!

Well, apparently, my team wasn’t the only one who thought I was good enough. After launching an assault, the enemy posted a vote to eliminate me from the game. My teammates, either busy defending from the assault, or out of general apathy to voting, didn’t respond. My single no vote was overwhelmed by that of half the opposition.

I was suddenly popped off the server, and our generators were then undefended.

That was the poorest of sportmanship I have ever seen. People who would play like that have no business playing at all. They shame themselves, their team, and their parents who would allow such ill conduct to go undisciplined – even if they are in their 40’s. Its the actions of a small few like them that give the male-bash-instinct its bad rap.

Anyway, I just wanted note where I had been the last few days, and vent about poor sportsmanship. Thank you for reading.

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so now i can expect more writtin?.. *coaxes you on to the correct answer of “yes”* .. Excellent then.. i will look forward to reading! love you babe.. off to school… think i got enough time im cutting it close today.. Sarah :)SMILE God bless..

now THAT’S the ticket……

theres something glorious in combat of ANY kind…

It’s not just happening in online gaming areas, Parra. Look around. Your neighbors, co-workers, kids down the street…anything to get ahead at any cost. Our society in general is becoming exceedingly self-seeking and isolated. I think this is the reason for much of the violence around us. Everyone is feeling disconnected and disenfranchised. Honor, character, and the like are sneered @.

People who possess these qualities are exploited, because fewer and fewer people are willing to defend these principles. Anyway, this is my diaTRIBE.

RYN: The GEEKS shall inherit the earth, if we survive long enough to do so. Some days, it seems as though every good intent is twisted and put down by those with a penchant for domination at any cost and by any means. They “win”, but not really. I view this as a bankruptcy of the soul. Through the blood shed for our sins by Jesus, redemption is still possible for the hoardes….

Capitalism and Christianity put us on a collision course. One demands an almost-ruthless single-minded vision to advance and acquire in the here and now. The other demands we make an eternal investment in our souls. The carrot is dangled in a very incongruous way, which makes marrying the two difficult. This is simply my secular opinion, of course…

At the risk of sounding overly zealous, in the Bible, during the early part of the last days, we are told that being Christians will become harder and harder. We are told many people will be misled and go in the wrong direction. I wonder sometimes if this is what we are beginning to see happen? I don’t stay up at night worrying about it, but the thought has occurred to me…

If we look at the current situation from this position, however, I think we are called now, more than ever, to be as Christ-like as we can be in our walk in this life. So, in answer to your question, my “answer” is to continue witnessing (without being obnoxious about it, ’cause that just turns non-believers off and pushes them further away, IMHO). I try to live my life as an example…

and, when I stumble, I ask forgiveness. I pray to receive His blessings, and I ask to be used as a vessel to touch other lives in a positive way. I remember the lessons of Jesus, so I try not to judge others. I work at trying to see the goodness in others, to see their pain, and to pray for their healing and do what I can – if that is His will. I may be mocked or misunderstood, but…

I am known by Him for what is in my heart. Sure, I hurt, just like everybody else. However, somehow, just knowing that my Father understands, even more than I may, eventually brings me peace. I normally don’t go off on my religious thing, but I know you are also a very spiritual person. That is why I have shared all this. Choose peace!