
Got a call this midday on my cell from TAD. His name is actually Taylor Allen D. He’s in his 30’s now and goes by Taylor – but I’ve always known him as Tad and so Tad he remains.

Anyway, he calls me up for lunch as he pulls into our parking lot in his Beamer. I ask him in to sit a spell until one of the other staff return. He checks his email, and shortly we are off for some chinese.

Tad’s done well for himself; a gifted child he spun from vocation to vocation for several years – always balancing somewhere between medical and technical. A few long lasting steady GFs, all in the medical field it seems, I think helped steer him to stay in the technical field.

He’s now a regional rep for one of the largest technology integrators in this part of the country. He’s making cool scrilla, is engaged to a beautiful and wonderful soon-to-be doctor, and still takes time to take his friends out for lunch – he’s that kind of guy!

Our relationship is one of commiseration. I know I can always count on Tad to laugh at my life story. *giggle*

So I had him rolling today with a recounting of my current financial situation: I told him how I prayed for and made it my new year’s resolution to get out of debt fast this year – and now God seems to be sending my creditors at me hand over fist! *laughs*

The parking ticket situation had us engrossed for 30 minutes!

I ended our lunch hour with a quick recount of my Nightingale situation. “This is the story of my life!” He is laughing and shaking his head in dismay. “Man!” was his best response.

But, I was laughing with him. Not out of spite, but in a true earnest appreciation for irony in life and God’s hand withall. I’m glad I have such a friend to share the humor with.

Actually, I have other such friends… but THEY’RE NOT TALKING TO ME!! *laughing again*

Thank you all, you’ve been a great audience!

Log in to write a note

I suppose the obvious “it’s been awhile” would be in store. I used to chat with you every so often on AIM, my screen name was yavimaya4, it’s changed now to SafetyOfSelf, mostly for the purpose of hidding away from some people that were becoming less than healthy for me to talk to.I thought of you a few days ago, and decided to check today to see if your diary was still alive. good to see it is.

February 15, 2003

I dont know if you were refferring to me at all or not, but it wasnt taht i wasnt talking to you…. just had no internet for a bit