The Downsides To OpenDiary

Does anyone else get pissed off when the page seems to reset and you find yourself typing at the very beginning of this little box?  And what about that damned Vacation Giveaway thing at the top of the screen?  It pisses me off because it’s always popping down and obstructing my view and it makes me want to click on it, find the customer service area, and  send them a scathing email enumerating all the sins they are committing by allowing their obnoxious add to annoy the everliving piss out of innocent OD users.

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Love it.

August 8, 2010

You should use Firefox browser instead of IE (if that’s what you use) and download the AdBlock add-on… it removes ALL advertisements for free–so you don’t have to pay for OD+ to get rid of ads.. 🙂

August 9, 2010

I agree. ^.^ I am also sad with you that you had no comments on the moosik. ;[

August 9, 2010

You like to resist too much ;P

lol I agree. And!!! You… Have Dragonlance artwork on your front page. Raistlin and Crysania.. This automatically makes you one of my favorite people, ever.

Some times even “one Hell of an ordeal” even seems like a massive understatement. It’s strange to me how we as people can see these things. We know the logical way to handle things, we know that what we’re doing makes next to no sense at all, and that it’s probably even bad for us. None the less we do it anyway, often without thinking twice. In a previous entry I said that I think some times that

people some times purposely seek out things that are going to hurt them. It’s very true, and I also believe some times we make choices knowing full well they are going to bring us into ruin. Humans like feeling pain, and that’s the honest trust. A hard one to face perhaps.. But true all the same. None the less, I want to make the logical choice this time. For my sanity, I have to.

August 9, 2010

Has anyone ever mentioned to you how very horse-like you are?

I’m honestly sorry to hear about the crap that pills have put you through in the past. Things like that are never easy for anyone. I’d give you the whole “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” speech, but some times words just aren’t enough. Some times they’re just outright useless in fact. So instead, have a /hug for comfort and a /highfive for still standing tall. Your love of Autumn makes

makes me smile, it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one. I honestly hate Spring/Summer.. And day.. And the sun.. And leaves on trees.. And blooming flowers.. And insects buzzing in the air.. Hate hate hate.. Give me Autumn and Winter any day. You’re fun to babble with.. Too bad I can’t think of a damn thing else to say right now. So.. Tag, you’re it. 😛

August 10, 2010

Look in the mirror and think about it and think about your personality and attitude.

August 10, 2010

Did that work?

August 10, 2010

Go with notes 1 and 2 above… lol… Ryn: Played Wow since Beta… he he (Everquest in past… Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot… Yea, bit of a gamer here…)

August 10, 2010

Not literally, no. ;P

August 10, 2010

Tempted to make a quip about it but I’m going to resist. :{

August 11, 2010


August 11, 2010

So are you ready to go over the stars yet?

August 12, 2010

So Ms. English, what is cecillia about?

August 12, 2010

Try this one. If you know this one too I promise to never note you ever again. Or at least until I notice you again a year or so down the road like this time.