Texts and Contexts
Precursor conversation to a major one that happened the next day…it’s not very flattering of him…but then again…I was out getting shitfaced the night before, so I can’t say much.
Me: Hey you’re not upset with me for anything are you? I’m just confused. Not sure how to read you and I don’t know what you want me to do.
Him: No I’m just confused too. You distanced yourself from me because you thought you saw me distancing myself from you. That doesn’t bode well.
You are indeed confused sir =P I invited you over last, remember? You haven’t asked me to do anything with you since then, what else would I think? You went from asking me to do things almost every day to nothing at all… I can understand if you’re fickle or you need space. I can deal with it, like i said, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me to. But it hurts a bit. I won’t lie. I miss you. It doesn’t bode badly either =P I can’t read your mind. Not yet at least. It takes a bit of time to get to know someone that well. All it means is that I’m trying to do what you want me to so that you’ll be happy. My guesses may not be the best, but I’m a quick learner. You just have to teach me a little bit.
I’m probably not supposed to tell you stuff like that. IT violates the rules of "the game" I’m supposed to try to manipulate you and play hard to get and all such other nonsense to make you like me, but boo that! I hate games and deceit. I don’t wanna. I dunno…I just know I feel drawn to you and I don’t feel that way very often and I don’t know what to do about it. You don’t give me much feedback so my mind flits through all these possibilities of what you’re thinking and so I end up doing this and texting whole novels to you. I’m sorry if it bugs you. I figure if I blabbermouth enough, it’ll clarify something.
Please talk to me. My stomach’s all in knots assuming the worst and such…cant sleep because I keep wondering whats going on in your head.
I’m sorry…I’m too drunk to respond appropriately.