
Somewhere between the last entry and this one, thoughts of my ex began to creep in.  I shall refrain from explicating those thoughts just as I refrain from clarifying the situation alluded to below.  I am not up to the task of explaining it in an organised manner, so it will have to wait.

March 23, 2011

Thoughts. Such interesting things…able to sway opinion, influence mood, and be the deciding factor in important decisions. Dwelling on a subject allows room for new perspective on it, as opposed to refusing to think about it, pushing it to the farthest reaches of one’s mind, where it sits and stagnates.

For me, the new perspective causes problems. It allows more options which means more decisions, more choices. It forces me to question myself. What do I want? What kind of person am I? Why do I think the things I think, do the things I do?

I am no longer on a one way street headed to a pre-determined destination. I have abandoned the set path and now there is no map for where I’m at. I have to make a choice. Which main road do I want to get on? There are a lot of factors to weigh against each other which I suppose I will do at a later time. I need advice, but good advice in a situation like this is hard to come by. It would be helpful to have someone who has been in the situation before. That knocks out a chunk of people.

And then, perspective changes when you add in certain information about the players involved in this scene. It is not black and white, though I know some will insist that it is. In a simple world, yes, I suppose you could claim that. But, I have moved beyond that world into a place where conclusions aren’t so easy. I have stopped letting my mind be lazy and categorize things under a mere two headings. Relativity.

When things are relative…the blanket judgements that people like to make are invalid. This is why good advice is going to be so hard to come by for this situation.


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