random title goes here
so the past few days have been hell. my house maites bitch to much. they make me feel like i cant do antything right. thats okay at least i am not as misrable as them. I am the younist person in the house and i dont bitch as much as them. i would rather spell good then like shit like curt. I dont know what i do worng all the time. debbie dont know how to follow the house rules. she was the reason we got antz upstairs. i dont know how people can say debbie is smart. in reality she is dumb. she pissed me off the other day. because i didnt know that grapes grow on vines. i thought grapes grew in trees. she said that i needed to spot eaating and do some resurch. she only said that is because i said that to her. i am thinking about moving out of the state of michigan.
my ex girlfriend has moved into the same city as me. im sooo pissed about that. she is dateing my friend. i think that she is just useing him for a place to say. they dont even know there own sexuality. one mintute there gay then next there bi the next there streight. people confuzzled me way to much.