Birthdays suck

My mom dumped a lot of stuff on me today. I might just have to not call her anymore. I know she will never call me first. It’s not my fault that my mom has to do all this stuff. It’s her fault she got a DUI and it’s a felony case.  I am so dependent on my mom. I think I’m codependent. I want to cut the cord so to speak.

My mom opted to have my bday party 18 days early. Let’s say I didn’t enjoy it. My mom kept treating me like crap.  I hate coming to her house. I come here to talk to me mom. All she does is smoke weed and ignore me. That’s nothing new. My dad also smokes weed and ignored me. Glad my parents are not married anymore.

Next year I’m not even going to have a birthday. I’m just getting to old for them.

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