5 simple questions

1.Where do you see yourself in five years? Extremely comfortable and spending time with my kids. Valhalla I am coming…


2.As a poet, do you feel more at home describing pain or pleasure/love? I think it would be more toward the pleasure that is the pain of love


3.If you had one day to live over again,for good or bad,which day would it be and why?  Oh…just one day? Wow, there have been so many?  Hmm…..it twould be the day I came to a fork in the road, looked in both directions,  and went down the long weary one I am on now.


4.What is love to you? an institution in which at some point in our lives, we are all committed to.  Something most of us have been confined in on more than one occassion.


5.Choose five words that describe you the best…and explain why.

1)Abrasive-because I tend to rub people the wrong way because I am so quiet. They say I seem as if I could care less if they were there or not.

2)Muddled-i’m not ashamed of much but I do regret a hell of a lot  things.

3)Comfotable-I’m like a favorite chair. Once you get me broke in the way you like me I can be quite comfortable.

4) Imaginitive-I’m always coming up with something new. Not saying they are all good ideas. Read through the diary you ‘ll see.

5)Humble- i’m quite Docile and have become extremely modest and meek over the years.

I bet ya didnt expect  that.

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August 4, 2005

unexpected but pleasurable 🙂 Thank you, my dear.

RYN: I’m not good at flirting with straight guys. I get all tongue tied and stupid. Flirting with gay bois, however, is no problem. No pressure. I call it practice! *Snickers* I’m not good at the relationship thing so at least I can enjoy the view… or something like that… I guess… ummmm… hmmmmm. Did that answer your question?

*Waves to Saisei* I wondered where this Palerider noter came from! Okay… RYN: Around my guy friends and around people I know, I am the most outgoing person with no fear at all. But the minute I’m put in a situation where there is a potential “attraction” I’m about as articulate as Billy Madison. My friends think it’s quite comical. I think it sucks.

August 6, 2005

I really would like to know…..how you found out that june bugs tasted like P. Butter…(and why is it….that your diary name reminds me of porn?) The world may never know… go well

August 10, 2005
