sick as your secrets

It’s been over a month since I last wrote. I’m not sure how that happened.

I guess the biggest news is that we get the keys to our house tomorrow!
Only 4 months and 22 days after buying it.
It has been the most awful experience, and it makes me never want to move again, ever.
Our landlord told us we had to move out of our flat at the end of which ever month we chose, it couldn’t be any time during a month, had to be the end. And we were promised several times by our estate agent and our solicitor that we’d be able to complete at the beginning of September, so we handed in our notice for our flat at the beginning of August.
The end of the month came and our completion date was just getting further and further away with each day that passed.
So, we were homeless as of 31 August. What did we do? We moved in with my parents.
My parents conservatory is chocka with all our boxes and furniture.

And Ben, Elroy and I are living in my parent’s spare room, sharing a ¾ sized bed. It’s a good thing we’re both small people. It’s been pretty challenging. And I’ve been feeling edgy and irritable the whole time.
I just want to be in our new home, that’s all I want right now.
This house buying processes has taken SO long, and been SO stressful, and I’m just SO over it.
But, tomorrow is the day! We’ve paid our deposit, we’ve (begrudgingly) paid our solicitor, we exchanged contracts, our completion date has been agreed.. I say very tentatively that nothing could possibly go wrong in the next 24 hours.
We’ve had pretty impeccable timing with it all though. After tomorrow I have 3 home standbys, 1 days of leave and 2 days off which means I potentially have 6 days off work to unpack. Tomorrow also happens to be Ben’s first day of 4 off. And because of the jewish holidays, my dad’s building site is closed tomorrow and he and his van are available to help us move!

Other than house-news, I only have derby-news.

I’ve been drafted to be on Bristol Roller Derby’s B team! I’m so happy!
Playing competitive derby was never something I was interested in but I’m really coming around to the idea. And I’ve had some great feedback recently from a few of the coaches saying that they’ve noticed a huge improvement in my skills, and that seems to have spurred me on even more.
I’ve found the derby love again, it was only gone for a short while.
The newly formed B-team have our first game on 14 October, we’re playing Wiltshire. I’ve been rostered to play and I’m stoked!

On Saturday I played in a home team bout we had. It was nice to skate with the Daughters again, I love my home team so much. The game we played against smash vandals ended up being a draw, which is a very rare occurrence in derby. 78-78. We lost our game against Project Mayhem 34-37, all due to one stupid power jam in their favour right at the end.

And on 18 October I went to watch Summer Sur5al in Windsor. It was an all day tournament with about 17 teams. I met up with Niks, which was the only wonderful part of the day. I’m not sure I’d go to watch another sur5al tournament again, it was 7 hours of derby and it was incredibly difficult to concentrate for the duration of the day. Plus, it was so fucking hot in that hall.

My parent’s dog died a few weeks ago. It was very sudden and unexpected and it’s left my mom feeling very upset. Bye Larry, we’ll miss you xx


Boring work news is that I’m having to deal with more and more asshole pilots who treat me like complete shit. Before, it was only Gary I had a problem with.
But after Matthew reprimanded me about something in front of my crew and in front of the base captain and made me feel worthless and made me cry my whole drive home, it’s made me feel really bitter towards him and towards my job.
Having to deal with the pilots at work is making me hate my job and it’s also affecting my home life. I feel moody and snappy and irritable because I’m constantly worrying about my next shift and I’m almost feeling nervous about what I’m going to have to deal with the next time I go to work.
No one wants to spend their life worrying about what their next shift at work will bring. And it’s so stupid, because 99% of my days at work end without a problem.
My loan and my car will both be paid off in April next year, I’m seriously considering asking to be demoted then. I’d rather just go back to being a junior crew member, just serving the passengers their food and drinks and not having to deal with all the supervisor bullshit, all the paperwork, all the complaints, all the stress of making sure our departure is on time, and most of all not dealing with the douchebag pilots. My car and loan repayments total £280 a month, once I’ve paid them off I won’t need the extra income that comes with my supervisor position. I’d much rather sacrifice a bit of disposable income for happiness at work.. and in turn, in life.

I met up with Rachael yesterday for lunch.
We had the most amazing roast.. I had 10 (ten!) different vegetable on my plate.
After that we walked round the corner and got cupcakes from a new cupcakery. The cutest little place with the nicest (and prettiest!) cupcakes I’ve ever eaten.


We spent the rest of the day shopping. I bought this owl, only because I f

elt instantly happy when I saw him on the shelf.

I think we both needed a day out. I’ve been stressed out with the move and with work and Rach is also going through a bit of a rough patch. She’s just recently given up a rather lucrative career in marketing and a really fabulous 1 bedroom flat on the river and moved in with her parents and started a job in care work. She was totally miserable in her career and I’m just so pleased for her that she’s given it all up and followed a new path I’m sure will make her very happy, despite having to adapt to a massive lifestyle change. She’ll also be working shifts now, so I’ll have some company on all those random week days I have off. 

I’ve recently started watching Weeds and Secret Diary of a call girl on Netflix. I’m loving both of them!


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September 17, 2012

i just ran out of the last show i was watching.. might need to start back up on Weeds. and i love that owl, it’s so cute! i’m sorry about Larry.. he was a handsome Great Dane. it’s so sad when you lose a pet, especially without warning. i absolutely LOVE gourmet cupcakes! there was a place in Houston that i fell in love with. i’ll certainly be stopping there when i go home for the holidays!

September 18, 2012

Awwww I love the owl too! *hug*

September 20, 2012

Well congrats on the house! Did it all work out? Did you get moved in?

September 23, 2012


September 24, 2012

urgh i feel for you majorly on the house things, we lived with my mum for a month too! Its worth it in the end, you must be excited! Weeds is on my list,love diary of a…I’ve just finished all of Greys Anatomy and starting House. love them. send me a cupcake please. xxx