NoJoMo 6

My roller derby league has just recruited some new Fresh Meat and we were all asked to put 25 random facts about ourselves on the forum so we could all get acquainted.

I’ve just finished mine and thought I’d post it here as today’s entry.


I love to pour frozen peas into a mug and snack on them whilst watching terrible daytime tv.

I’m a recycling nazi at home, even down to the foil our pies come in and the plastic wrapper on 12 toilet roll packs. I’m secretly trying to train my boyfriend and get really happy when I catch him rinsing his yoghurt pot out.  It’s gotten so bad I actually feel guilty anytime I throw anything away.

I adapt to modern technology about as well as a 70 year old.

I’m very anti-social and socially awkward, I’d rather sit at home on my own than go to the pub and have to talk to people.

Banana is my favourite pizza topping.

I’m a bit of a lip balm addict.

I’m about a 4 or 5 on the Kinsey Scale, dating a boy makes it very difficult to come out to people, most just don’t understand.

I don’t like babies, or children. I’m sure I’ll like my own one day when I have them.

I’m terrified of growing up. In my mind I’m still 16 and trying to figure out what to do with my life.

I’m currently cabin crew for a budget airline. Most people I meet think my job is exciting and glamorous. I’m really just a glorified waitress and have to deal with total scum on a daily basis.

When I grow up I want to be a property developer: buy old houses, make them pretty and sell them on. I’ll have to wait for some unexpected inheritance or a lottery win first!

My favourite colour is green, being put on Daughters of Anarchy felt like fate.

Sometimes I make a cup of tea just so I can dunk biscuits in it.

I would live in my slippers if it was socially acceptable.

I love the smell of horse sweat.

When I was 16 I started a love affair with Shaun the Sheep from Wallace and Gromit. I’ve had a weird obsession with sheep ever since and can almost always count on getting sheep themed gifts from friends and family.

I was born and raised in South Africa. Despite living in Bristol for 9 years it’s never quite felt like home.

I grew up with a lot of animals. 17 dogs, 4 cats, 7 horses, 2 rabbits, 3 rats, an ostrich, birds, fish, a tortoise and a pet miniature mountain goat called Sixpence.

I’m a happy drunk.

When I was at school one of my close friends told me “you’re so cute I could eat you up”. She started calling me Edible, which was shortened to Edi. Over a decade later and almost no one I know calls me by my real name.

I can’t play pool

Olivia Wilde was my penpal when we were 12, 13 and 14 years old. I have all the letters we wrote to eachother in a shoebox on top of my wardrobe.

I tried teaching myself to like Guinness, it didn’t work.

I love rock, punk, ska and metal but I (not so) secretly sing along to terrible pop on the radio in the car.

I talk in my sleep.




I know calls me by my real name.

21.   I can’t play pool

22.   Olivia Wilde was my penpal when we were 12, 13 and 14 years old. I have all the letters we wrote to eachother in a shoebox on top of my wardrobe.

23.   I tried teaching myself to like Guinness, it didn’t work.

24.   I love rock, punk, ska and metal but I (not so) secretly sing along to terrible pop on the radio in the car.

25.   I talk in my sleep.

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“””I love to pour frozen peas into a mug and snack on them whilst watching terrible daytime tv.””” That one is so hot, and unique – I think I love you!!!

November 6, 2012

wow, south africa! that’s so cool. i’ve never been outside the US (though, granted, there’s a lot of it to see.)

November 6, 2012

I had to look up what the Kinsey scale was!

November 6, 2012

Lol! Snacking on frozen peas?? Bananas on pizza? Loving horse sweat? You are hilarious! All these facts are so endearing 😉

November 7, 2012

WOW you’re a roller girl ???, AWESOME 🙂 graaat 🙂 I’m a roller derby coach, in France 🙂