NoJoMo 20

Last night was muchos fun! I’m really glad I went.
In the 4 hours I was at steve’s place Rach and I managed to to drink some gin, pear vodka, prosecco, champagne and shots of raki and raspberry sourz and apple and cranberry sourz.
I didn’t think we were that drunk until it was about midnight and everyone else had left the party and it was just the 4 of us left. 
Rachael and I dancing around their living room and playing with some feet we pulled off a frankenstein cake, and Steve and Kola sitting on the couch decidedly sober looking at the 2 of us like we were a bit mental haha.
We caught a taxi back into town and went to the Hatchet. I stayed about an hour and then walked home.
The room was definitely moving when I got into bed.


As with most Sundays my day today has been filled with roller derby.
I had an hour this afternoon where we had skills catch up for all of us with minimum skills left to pass, we decided to book the hall for an extra hour so our skills assessments didn’t eat into our training time.
I passed my hip checks.
That was my last skill to pass, so now I’m a fully qualified roller girl 😀


20 minutes into our practise I tried my first ever running toe start and I fell over, I fell over funny and kind of bent my knee the way it’s not supposed to bend.
So now I’m an injured roller girl! 
I had to sit with an ice pack and my leg elevated for the rest of the session watching everyone else having fun and learning things.

I’m home now and I’ve been instructed to sit with my leg up all night and to ice it for 15 minutes every 2 hours.
Ben’s on lates and I’m home alone.
Who’s going to heat my soup for me 🙁
I foresee a night of nothing but watching tv, since I’m not supposed to be doing anything other than resting. 


I haven’t answered any questions in a few days, I’m just going to pick and choose a few.

If you could do anything with your life, what would you do? What is stopping you from making it happen?

I’d go travelling, see the world. 
What’s stopping me? Money of course.
But I’m saving 🙂

What is your least favorite food/sound/smell?

I can’t eat chicken on the bone. The splintery bones and the stringy bits and the tendons and the way the meat is a weird colour where it attaches to the bone- the whole thing just freaks me out. And I don’t like raw tomatoes either. I like cooked tomatoes in pasta and stuff, but I can’t eat them raw.

Have you ever dealt with gossip that ended a friendship? Did you go to the source or believe the gossip?
Have you ever "spilled the beans" on someone else’s secret? How? What happened?

When I was at school Briggs told me that I was the one she always told her secrets to because she knew I was the one who wouldn’t tell anyone else.

What do you consider to be your strongest talent? Are there any talents you wish you possessed?

I haven’t really got any talents.

Describe what it was like to be in an intimidating/stressful situation, such as an important job interview or first day of school.

This question is making me feel like I’m in an interview




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